Page 68 of Heartless Souls
Chapter 27
Igroan in frustration as I slump back in my seat, still only wearing Alexi’s hoodie and boxers. I haven’t moved from the seat I took at the table hours ago. Apparently, deciding to come up with a plan and actually having one are two entirely different things.
Alexi left the table a little over an hour ago, murmuring something about research while Malik left to handle other business they needed to take care of. They didn’t say it with so many words, but I know what it entails.
It’s almost like they think the prospect scares me, but I see the roles they’ve been given and the balance they bring to the world. What they do is selfless, painful, and tiresome. Not that they’ll admit to any of that, of course.
Talon clears his throat from his seat across from me, pulling my gaze toward his as he snaps his fingers and produces a hair tie, offering it to me as I rush to grab it. Murmuring my thanks, I sigh heavily as I sweep my hair back off my face and secure it in a ponytail.
I know my fingers have been brushing my hair back off my face constantly and it seems he noticed it too.
Taking a deep breath, I glance down at the sheets of paper scattered across the table before me, all the words blurring together from looking at them all for so long.
There are notes on various members of the Redvellions, including Noose. There’s information on locations as well as small details referring to the new Mark of Death, but none of it seems to give us what we need. The answers we need.
Reaching for my mug of coffee, I cringe in distaste as the cold liquid touches my lips. A shiver runs down my spine from the surprise, and I can’t even remember when it was originally made. Wrapping my hands around the mug, I let the heat flow through my palms, warming the coffee back up so I can enjoy it again.
“We need to move from this spot, let off some steam or something,” Talon states, rubbing the back of his neck as he looks up through his lashes at me.
I take another sip of my coffee before I respond. “What I need to do is ease the magic inside of me. It feels haywire this morning, skittering under my skin with the need to bring down the person that put this goddamn mark on me.”
My words surprise even myself, the truth flowing right past my filter and straight out of my mouth. But it’s the truth, and the way Talon nods at me in understanding makes my shoulders relax. I hadn’t even realized they had bunched up so tight, but my mind and body this morning are highly charged by the power running through my veins.
Placing my mug back on the table, I sigh again, frustrated with myself to the point that I almost feel jittery. The scraping of a chair dragging across the floor pulls me from my thoughts as I look up to see Talon moving around the table. Holding his hand out toward me, I place my palm against his without hesitation and he lifts me to my feet.
I let him pull me along, his steps leading us toward the open glass doors before taking us outside. Before I can question what he’s doing, he snaps his fingers and I watch in shock as dummy targets start to appear around the open space.
“I might not be able to give you the real thing right now, but I can give you some targets to work off some of that excess magic that’s driving you crazy.” I look at Talon, a soft smile gracing my lips as I lift up on my tiptoes to place a kiss at the corner of his mouth.
“How is it you know what I need better than I do?” I ask, not expecting an answer as his hands fall to my waist and he pulls me close against his chest.
“Because I love you.” My heart practically stops before beating so hard and fast that I’m sure it’s going to explode from my chest. “Now, let’s blast these fuckers to dust,” he adds, not waiting for me to declare my love in response.
His hands slip from my body as he turns to the dummy on the far left, thrusting his arms out in front of him as I watch an icy blue gust burst in that direction. Moments later, nothing remains of the dummy and it sends a jolt of excitement coursing through me.
Yeah, he’s right. I definitely need some of this.
With the promise of those three magic words playing on the tip of my tongue, I save them for later as I turn to the dummies set up to my right.
Planting my feet shoulder-width apart, I roll my shoulders back before extending my arms in their direction. I feel the heat rise from my toes, dancing over my skin, before I channel it toward the target. A red ball of flames leaves the tips of my fingers, setting the dummy on fire in one swift move, and I smile from ear to ear.
Without care, I move on to the next target, repeating the motions as the fire seems to burn hotter and brighter. I get lost in the rhythm. Every time I destroy a target, another appears in its place, and I find myself going around the makeshift training ground again and again, unleashing the magic roiling within me.
I’ve never felt as agitated as I do now, the feeling of helplessness trying to consume me, but it’s like my magic is fighting back with a vengeance.
I have no idea how long I stand here aiming my frustrations and power at the targets. I get lost to it all in the best way possible, but when I don’t seem to be calming down, I feel a different kind of fluttering deep in my gut.
The flames stop as I twist my hands around so I can look at my palms, my head tilting to the side as my magic swirls inside of me in a completely different manner than I’m used to. I haven’t had my powers for very long but I’m highly attuned to them, and this… this feels like something else entirely.
“Everything okay?” I can hear Talon’s voice, but I’m too focused on my hands to turn to him, or even respond at all.
My eyes widen as my shoulders relax back, my breathing slow and labored as I slowly twist my palms outward again. It’s like the world stops around me as my mind and body focus on my power, the fluttering from my gut spreading to my toes and fingertips before blasting from the palms of my hands.
There are no red embers, not even a hint of heat leaving my fingertips, only an icy blue stream, just like I saw leave Talon’s earlier.