Page 76 of Heartless Souls
Chapter 30
Idrop the piece of paper from my hand onto the table along with all the other useless sheets. I don’t know why Alexi thinks there might be something to help us among all of this, but there isn’t.
Folding my arms over my chest, I cross my legs at the ankles as I glare at the mess scattered around us. “Looking at all of this shit is just pointless,” I grumble, drawing a pointed stare from Alexi as he leans back in his seat.
“Where do you suggest we look then? It’s as simple as that. If you have an issue with the plan, come up with a better one or shut the fuck up.”
Pursing my lips, I look up at the ceiling, not finding any answers there either. Despite his shitty attitude, I choose to let it go right over my head. “I don’t know, but there has to be something else because this isn’t getting us anywhere.”
Silence descends around us for a moment as we each get lost in our own thoughts before Malik finally speaks. “What about some of those books in your office, Talon? The ones that were left behind by the prior Furies. Could there be something in there?” My gaze whips to his in a flash, my eyes wide with a hint of excitement as hope bubbles inside of me.
“I’ve never really looked at any of them. They were filled with information they’d learned along the way. Things we didn’t really need, but I’ll go and grab them,” I state, rising from my seat as I glance at the time. “I’ll get them, then find Harmonia on my way back because she’s been gone for a while,” I add as Alexi scoffs.
“Yeah, but don’t get distracted with her, we have answers to find,” he grunts, shaking his blazer off his shoulders as I wiggle my brows at him in response before leaving the room.
If I want to get distracted with her on the way back then I fucking will. If anything, it’ll be a hard battle not too. And now that he’s mentioned it, I want to sneak her away even more.
With a plan devising in my mind, I grin as I walk around Greta’s desk to my office. It’s odd that she’s not there, but she must be off doing something work related. Stepping into my office, I purse my lips for a moment, placing my hands on my hips as I attempt to remember where I stored the books.
The space is a mess, it always is, but with the goblet in the corner constantly throwing out profiles of those marked, I haven’t figured out a system for organizing them. Squeezing my eyes shut for a second, I recall putting them in the filing cabinet in the far corner when we first set up here.
Opening my eyes, I find the cabinet I’m thinking of and rush over to it. Pulling the drawer open, I smile with relief when I find them neatly stacked at the back. With the four books in hand, I shut the drawer behind me as I head for the door, but just as I’m passing the goblet, it sends out another profile, another person on the hit list, and I sigh.
As the piece of paper floats toward me, I consider leaving it to join the others, but something inside forces me to grab it. Turning the sheet around in my hands, my eyes widen as I blink at the paper. After a few moments, when none of the details seem to change, I get a stirring in my gut that tells me something isn’t right.
Why the fuck has Greta been profiled, the details linking to Malik’s speciality?
What the Hell has she done since I saw her this morning that warrants death for her actions?
With my pulse ringing in my ears, I march toward the door. I don’t have a good feeling about this, not one bit. “Motherfuckers, get your asses out here right now. I fucking need you.” The words are merely a whisper on my lips, but I know they have heard me.
Stepping out into the reception area, I find Greta still absent from her desk. “Greta.” My throat burns from yelling so loud, but that doesn’t stop me from shouting even louder with my next breath. “Harmonia!”
I have no idea where I’m going, my feet just carry me without my brain fully processing my actions as I move. Rushing for the kitchen door, I frown when it’s slightly ajar and I don’t see Harmonia hovering over the coffee machine like she usually does when she’s waiting for it to brew.
What does catch my attention though is a garishly yellow blazer that I know I saw on Greta this morning. Moving into the room I immediately turn to the right to find the woman in question frozen in place. Her hands are raised, her mouth wide, and her eyes pleading.
“What the fuck is going on, Talon?” I hear Malik ask, confusion clearly getting the better of him as he enters the room with Alexi hot on his tail.
I glare at the woman before me for a moment longer before calling out Harmonia’s name again. When I hear nothing in response, I glare at the bitch one more time, and that’s when I notice Harmonia’s necklace on the floor out of the corner of my eye.
What has this bitch done?
Anger and rage bubble inside of me, desperate to make her pay, even though I don’t truly understand the how’s or why’s, but I manage to calm myself a little as I turn to look at my brothers.
“I don’t know what the Hell is going on, but Harmonia is nowhere to be seen and her necklace is on the floor in front of Greta, who just so happens to be frozen in place,” I ramble, waving my hand in her direction as I watch both of them glance at the floor then at Greta, before turning their attention back to me. “And to top all of that off, the goblet shot out a new profile as I was carrying the books out,” I add, waving the piece of paper around before turning it so they can see the picture sitting center on the profile.
“Greta.” Her name is like a curse on Alexi’s tongue as he takes a step toward her.
Malik places a hand on Alexi’s shoulder, stopping him in his tracks as he snaps his fingers on his other hand, dropping the magic that holds her in place.
This bitch better have answers for me, and fast.
I watch as she pats her hands over her body as tears begin to stream down her face, pain and anguish taking over her features as she looks at me. “I-I didn’t do anything, I swear. She a-attacked m-m-me out of n-nowhere and ran off.” Her sobs are almost deafening and I almost consider muting her, but deep down I know she’ll have the answers we need. “You can’t k-keep her around anym-m-more. She’s crazy and unhinged.”