Page 83 of Heartless Souls
I know it. I can feel it in my soul. Like my magic feels accomplished in its actions. It completely drains from my body as I slump further forward beside him. I can’t stop my face from planting in the dirt, the pain not really registering among the explosions going off inside of me.
I killed him, and I quite frankly believe I’ve killed myself in the process.
I should feel sadness, pain, emptiness, but a sense of relief that Alexi, Malik, and Talon will never have to deal with him again resonates deep inside of me.
“Harmonia! Harmonia!”
I hear my name being called above the ringing in my ears as I struggle to move a single bone in my body, let alone respond with anything more than a breath. Even that’s a struggle. Keeping my eyes open is another.
My magic beckons deep inside of me, and I let it lead the way. It’s never served me wrong thus far, it can’t do it now.
The deeper I follow it, the darker it gets, until everything turns to pure black.