Page 64 of Damaged Princess
My heart sinks. Holy shit. I didn't even think about that.
"No," Wolfe barks. "Don't feel guilty. I'll explain the situation. We got close while he was gone. No one's trying to leave him out."
"I'd say be prepared to duck," Rafe says, snorting a laugh. "But I'm pretty sure he owes you at least one solid punch."
I worry my lip between my teeth. Well, fuck.
"Are you upset?" I ask Rafe as soon as Wolfe leaves the nest.
"No," he says, staring straight into my eyes. "I'm a little worried Vik might be hurt, but Wolfe's right: it's your decision."
"That wasn't my intention at all," I say, glancing away.
I'm pretty sure if I was a better person I'd have thought that through ahead of time. I'm an adult, I should take other people's feelings into account. So why the hell didn't I? Wolfe sends steady comfort through the bond.
"Where is Vik?"
I'm wondering if he and Wolfe are about to get into it and it's got me anxious as hell.
"We may have visitors within a day or two. Vik's cousin, Soren, and a couple of the guys Wolfe and Vik did contract work with," Rafe says. He stretches an arm and starts rubbing at the back of his neck like he's working out a kink. "I don't suppose Vik got the chance to tell you all the details earlier?"
"No," I say. My face feels hot. I never blush. I mean, okay, so everyone does from time to time, but it takes a lot to put me on the spot. "He was all hot and sweaty from cutting wood, and I kinda just climbed him."
"Yeah, you're definitely having waves of heat." Rafe's face is pink. His skin tone hides some of it, but he's absolutely blushing, too.
"I really meant what I said," I tell him, stretching out a hand to clasp his. "I know we haven't had sex, so I probably sound like a freak, but I want to bond with you. It doesn't have to be immediately." Ohmigod, it's like I can't stop talking. "If that's something you want with me…" My hand flies to cover my face. "Is that even—"
Rafe pulls my hand away and slams his mouth into mine. His glasses bump my face, and I don't mind a bit as he tenderly kisses the hell out of me.
"S-Sorry," he stammers as we pull back, heaving for breath.
"Don't be," I say in a shaky tone.
"Of course I want a bond with you," Rafe assures me, running his hand over the back of my head. "I also want to take care of you. It seems like we're in between waves. Are you hungry? Do you want to shower?"
"I'm not very hungry," I tell him truthfully. "I'd be down for a shower if you're joining me."
Rafe grins. It's all perfect straight white teeth, and the sight makes my clit pulse. He's hot as hell in the unassuming way that sneaks up on you. Or it did to me.
"Let's do it," he agrees. He’s got this light and happy energy that's contagious. I'm not sure I've ever met an alpha who feels like Rafe does.
It makes my heart race. I'm going to make sure he's mine before my heat is over.
Rafe directs us out of the nest. Once we get to the hallway he looks back at me like he just remembered I'm completely nude. He grabs my hand and leads me up the stairs and down the hall to the spacious master bedroom. The bed is incredible. It's a four-poster style with dark wood and tie-back curtains. It's breathtaking.
"Sorry," he says, moving us into the huge en suite bathroom. "The nest doesn't have a shower or tub in that bathroom."
"It's no big deal," I assure him, getting my first look around. The tub is separate from the shower. It's big enough for several people and has jacuzzi jets like my tub back home.
A pang hits my stomach. That house is gone now, if the guys know what they're talking about. I don't care,not really. There was nothing for me there, and I know my father well enough to realize he'd never have let me come back for my things.
I have the most important thing I could ask for, I remind myself. Thanks to Vik.
And I repaid him by bonding with Wolfe first. I push those thoughts away. They're not fair to Wolfe. He sends a pulse of reassurance through the bond.
My eyes fly to Rafe. He's in a pair of low-slung sweatpants, but he ditched the t-shirt when I wasn't looking. He's got the shower running and steam fills the air around his strong frame.
I grin, swaying my hips as I prowl toward his back. He's got strong lats and delicious dimples right above his ass. I slide up behind him. He jolts as my tits brush his skin.