Page 12 of 3013: Justice
“Jade, Rogan, and Lucian made it clear that slavers are the exception to the rules,” Secret reminded him. “If they are foolish enough to show up here, they deserve the death that awaits them.”
Talon listened to them with no small amount of fascination. The females looked vastly different, yet they had an undeniable strength and commanding presence in common. He was sure some people would find their conversation morbid. Some would even say they were being downright sinister.
He, on the other hand, was secretly pleased.
Hearing the way they spoke to one another wasn’t that different from how his own team interacted. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so hard for Secret to accept him since she clearly had her own dark side. Since he’d heard what that Tarin had said to her, Talon knew that his death was damn well justified.
Yumi finally noticed Teale and Laken, and her black eyes narrowed. “Who are they?”
Secret pointed at Talon with her thumb. “They’re his.”
“Who is he?”
“He’s…my keeper.”
Yumi’s dark eyes popped wide. “Your what? By the gods, when did this happen?”
“Just now.”
“Well, fuck.” She let out a little laugh. “What are you going to do with him when we leave?”
“Are you really leaving the sanctuary?” Jais asked, sounding worried.
Secret nodded. “We need to go to Beta Station 4.”
“I can take you there,” Talon offered. “My team and I have been to Beta Station 4 before. Our ship is ready, and we can be on our way in under an hour.”
Secret studied him for a long beat of silence before saying, “What if I told you that I’m going there to kill someone?”
“I just need to know one thing,” he said softly. “Are you going after more slavers?”
She hesitated briefly before nodding.
His lips curved into a fierce smile. “Then, I’m all in.”
Chapter Four
The sound ofdistant male laughter made Secret jerk awake.
For a moment, fear clogged her throat. Her pulse raced, and her heart pounded like it wanted to jump right out of her chest. She didn’t know where she was, but she refused to open her eyes and look around until she got her panic under control.
Moving would alert anyone nearby that she was awake.
It wasn’t the first time she’d woken up disoriented and afraid. Males’ laughing nearby always led to trouble. She’d learned that it was best to gather as much information as she could before showing signs that she was conscious. Drawing attention to oneself was never a good thing. It could often lead to a whole lot of pain and misery…and sometimes even death.
The scents and sounds surrounding her were unfamiliar, but she didn’t sense any danger. Memories flooded back in an instant, and she finally allowed herself to open her eyes. She sat up on the bed and scanned her temporary quarters on Talon’s ship. Relief filled her when she confirmed she was alone.
She heard another burst of laughter coming from the other side of the closed door. This time, it didn’t bother her. She knew the faint sounds were coming from Talon and his team.
Surprisingly, just thinking about her keeper made her feel a little calmer.
Sighing, she glanced down at the weapons she was holding. The black blades were curved like claws and were so familiar to her they were like extensions of her own hands. From a young age, she had learned to sleep with a weapon close by. That practice had saved her life countless times over the years. After being rescued, she still hadn’t been able to shake off the habit.
Secret wasn’t sure if she ever would.
Setting the blades down on the nightstand, she got out of bed. Her body felt stiff and sore as she padded across the room on bare feet. She made use of the bathroom, then considered taking a long, hot shower. She ultimately decided against it since she just didn’t have the energy and would have probably ended up drowning herself.
Walking out into the living room area of the spacious guest suite, she collapsed onto the plush sofa. Just that little bit of activity had exhausted her. She lifted the privacy shield on the wide window and stared out at the darkness that was speckled with brilliant stars and colorful gas clouds.