Page 8 of 3013: Justice
“We need to be careful about this. Contact Cedric. I want him to start pulling info on them while I go find Jais. He’ll know if they’ve been here before,” Talon said, mentioning one of Exodus’ managers. “You two keep watch until Win gets here.”
“I’m on my way to you now,”Winston told them.
As Laken began sending a message on her wrist unit, Teale leaned forward to speak quietly to Talon. “It’s tricky since there’s two of them. Want me to take care of it?”
Talon shook his head. “If I’m right, those two are probably already on the wanted list of criminals who fled Tartarus, so it won’t have to be done covertly. It will be safer for us to wait until we get clearance to take them out…”
His words trailed off as he watched a D’Aire female stalk out of the building below. From where he was sitting, he couldn’t see her face. That didn’t stop her from capturing his complete focus, though.
The female was surrounded by a brilliant halo of iridescent light that shimmered in a way he’d never seen before. The kaleidoscope ranged from dark to light, but he thought the shadows were just as beautiful as the bright parts of her aura. The hints of darkness just made all the other colors seem more vibrant as they swirled together.
When she glanced around the courtyard, he sucked in a harsh breath. Her long white hair flowed freely down her back, but she had cut the front into bangs so they covered her forehead. It was an unusual style for a D’Aire, and he thought she might have chosen it to cover some of the scars on her face and neck. He thought those marks only enhanced her stunning beauty.
Each added to her uniqueness, making him even more dazzled by her.
In a universe filled with beautiful females, she had no equal.
His pulse began to pound in a frantic rhythm as all the blood in his body seemed to drain straight down to his cock. He usually had good control over his reactions, but she was an anomaly that completely annihilated his self-restraint.
As if she could feel him staring at her, she turned and lifted her gaze to scan the balcony. When their eyes met, it was a shock that jolted straight through his system. In that single heartbeat, everything changed. Without warning, that halo of light around her slowly flared out and stretched until it completely surrounded him.
Her eyes widened in surprise, mirroring his own reaction. Even if she couldn’t see it like he could, she must have sensed the connection forming between them. It was as if her aura had somehow marked him, binding him to her.
In that instant, he knew what that meant.
She was the keeper of his heart, the D’Aire mate fate had chosen for him.
Chapter Three
Joy flared tolife inside Talon even as a little bit of dread started to sink in. He was pleased she belonged to him, but that didn’t mean she would feel the same once she realized who and what he was.
He couldn’t even blame her for that.
Life wouldn’t be easy being bonded to a killer.
Relationships were rarely simple, but this had the potential to be a catastrophic clusterfuck for both of them. Before he could spiral down those dark thoughts, he watched as her surprised expression disappeared and her lips curved into a sardonic smirk before she turned away.
Amazed that she had essentially dismissed him, he watched as she went back to surveying the crowd again. Clearly, she was searching for someone. That person must have been important for her to ignore the pull of her keeper. Since he was watching her closely, Talon saw the exact moment she focused in on the two Tarin males he had pointed out earlier.
There was a flash of metal in her hand as she slid something out of the leather forearm sheath she was wearing. He would have bet a pile of credits that she now had a knife tucked securely in her palm. The move had been smooth, signaling to him that she had done it before. Concerned she was about to attack the Tarin out in the open and blatantly break sanctuary rules, he shot to his feet.
Unfortunately, the Tarin males noticed her at the same time. There was a spark of startled recognition on their faces, then their shock shifted to fear. They jumped to their feet and bolted from the table, pushing people out of their way as they fled.
With the snap of her wrist, the female sent the knife in her hand flying. The blade sank into one of the male’s backs, sending him tumbling to the ground. His scream of pain mingled with the other patrons’ cries of alarm. She raced over to him and stomped on his fingers before he could reach for his own weapon, making him scream in agony as she ground her boot against the bones in his hand.
Talon held his breath as she bent over. For a second, he thought she was going to end the Tarin right then and there, but she only reached down to remove the knife tucked in the Tarin’s belt. She tossed it to Jais Starr who hurried over with Trip Rage. The Krytos and Helios males were both managers at the sanctuary and no strangers to violence, but even they were gaping at the man sobbing on the ground.
“What the fuck is going on, Secret?” Jais shouted. “You can’t just—”
“They’re slavers and fucking murderers,” she snarled back.
Hearing that changed everything.
“Go.” Trip slammed his own foot down on the Tarin’s back, and jerked the knife out, making him scream in pain. He handed the knife back to her. “We’ve got this fucker.”
Leaving them behind, she ran after the other Tarin.
Talon took off after her, following her progress from higher ground. He heard Teale and Laken calling after him, but he didn’t stop. As he raced toward the end of the balcony, he quickly assessed his options. It would take too long to take the stairs down to the ground level, and he might lose them completely if he cut through the building.