Page 13 of Blood Debt
“It isn’t mine,” I say, cringing at the insinuation. “This isn’t a vacation, Pedro. God, it’s gone way too far. I should just leave. We can grab Franco and run.”
“Relax, Pita. I didn’t mean it like that.” Pedro sighs. “As for Jaguar, I just told him the truth. About us. Your past. While I took some ‘creative liberties,’ he didn’t seem to question it. I was wondering if you’d told him any of it yourself.”
I whirl on him. “You told him that I shot my ex-boyfriendin the head with a stolen pistol and then took the five hundred dollars we found in his apartment to pay a coyote to get me to Texas before his boys could track me down and gut me?” For a second, I forget myself, and my voice raises in pitch. “Did you tell him about how we had to fake my death by using the body of some poor drug mule he’d already killed that night? Or did you talk about how my own fucking sister made me grovel for her protection and used me to smuggle drugs in a backpack for her twisted narco lover before I had the balls to put my foot down?”
Anger makes my voice shake. I’m shouting. If Jaguar is nearby, he’ll be able to hear every word.
“No,” Pedro says, wincing. He reaches for me, his movements gentle. “I didn’t jump to the good part. You’re shaking, honey. Come here.” He draws me into another hug, and I relent to it, relishing his comforting warmth.
“You don’t smell nice,” I point out, my nostrils wrinkling. “What is with this look, anyway—” I tug on the sleeve of his hoodie. “You used to say you’d drop dead rather than wear polyester.”
He laughs. “Don’t be silly,puta. This is me being incognito. I couldn’t risk anyone tracking me out here. Your friend Jaguar made that very clear. The bastard even took my phone, though he promised to return it the second I return to Texas. Thank God. I know Chico, one of my regulars, is probably blowing up my inbox right now.”
I look at his face and see more fear threatening to break through his fracturing mask of calm.
“So, what did you really tell him?” I ask.
“I told him about the only subject he seemed interested in—you. I said that when you love, you love hard. And when you hate someone, they deserve it.”
“Like Diego?” I manage a weak smile, but Pedro grimaces.
“Hell yes, but I didn’t mention thatputa.” He scoffs. “I made it clear that you had no ill will toward Jaguar. That you only wanted his protection for Franco.”
“It sounds like a fairy tale to me. You think he believed it?”
Pedro winks. “My skills for persuasion are unmatched, honey. Of course, he bought it. Hook. Line. Sinker.”
“If that’s the case, why do you look so terrified, Pedro? Nothing ever scares you. Ever. What’s wrong?”
He sighs sadly and fingers a piece of hair that’s fallen out of my bun. “I’m worried for you, honey. Even before Jaguar approached me, I’ve heard things on the grapevine. Rumors about a woman they claim is Tiena—that’s why I ignored them at first. But the more I listen, the more obvious it becomes that they aren’t talking about a bleached-blond bimbo. They’re talking about you. They’ve exploded ever since you were seen at the cage fight.”
“Braulio?” I ask. Deep down, I hope he’s the only enemy I have to contend with, but even before Pedro frowns, I already know the answer.
“Thought so at first. Until I heard rumors of a new narco in town. A trafficker able to supply a grade of cocaine so pure a kilo can fetch half a million clean. Shit like that hasn’t come from around here. This dealer doesn’t have a name he goes by, but those who have interacted with him have chosen a particular moniker.Eye patch.”
I feel the color drain from my face. “Oh, God.”
“You’ve heard of him too,” Pedro surmises.
But I thought it was a cruel trick. A mind game, perhaps, played at Tiena’s expense. Not mine.
“He’s back… Oh, God, Pedro—”
“So, what if he is?” My friend places his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to face him. “You have the protection of the most powerful man in the country.”
A man I can’t risk staying with a second longer. A man who is far more dangerous than he lets on. A man who wants me to bear his child for an insane, demented reason. All of that brings me to only one conclusion.
“I can’t stay here, Pedro.”
“Did he hurt you, Pita?” His face changes, his eyes narrowing. “What’s wrong?”
“I…”No.Clenching my teeth, I choke back any confession. The last thing I should do is rope Pedro into another mess. “Don’t worry about it. Thank you for coming here… How did you even get here?”
Hours from Texas and the rich, mysterious clients who are his bread and butter.
“Courtesy of Jaguar.” Pedro raises an eyebrow. “When the man politely asks that you get on a private jet at his expense, let’s just say, one can’t exactly refuse. And here I am, pleased to see you’ve been living it up, at least. Look at you, dressed like a little hot tamale.”
I see right through his fake smile. “There is something you aren’t telling me. What?”