Page 44 of Blood Debt
“Wake up, you stupid little bitch!”
Pain jars me to awareness. My jaw is on fire. I’m somewhere bright. The light stings my eyes. I wince, forcing them open. It’s so hard to focus…
My thoughts feel like sand through a sieve, and a masculine voice easily scatters them.
“Okay, you little bitch!” A stinging blow knocks me onto my side. A slap? “What did you tell him? Huh? You little cunt—”
“Easy, Boaz,” someone scolds. “You remember what that creepy asspendejosaid? Keep the damage to a minimum. He wants to watch, after all.”
Watch… Jaguar?
The men continue to speak too quickly for me to keep up. “—we need to know what the fuck she’s said. If she flipped… Wake up, you stupidputa!”
Agony rips across my jaw, drawing a groan from my lips. Through blurred vision, I can finally make out a narrow interior beyond the dark, looming shape of someone lurking nearby. This room is relatively empty, with bare walls and counters. A metal sink…
A kitchen?
I’m lying on something flat. A table? It’s hard, unconforming to my body. My hands are tied over my stomach, and the inside of my mouth tastes raw. Salty. Blood.
Another shape flickers in my peripheral vision—a second person. The first stands too far back for me to make out his face, but the other… His voice is familiar.
Damn it, my head feels so damn heavy.
“What did you tell him, you cunt?” he demands, leaning over me, his face above. His breath reeks of alcohol, and his features are surprisingly young. Brown eyes. Curly brown hair. I recognize him as having sat at Jaguar’s table, but I can’t recall his name. “Where did he take you? Where is the fucker’s safe house? Where?”
He snatches my throat, digging his nails in.
“Boaz!” the second man shouts. “Easy. He said we couldn’t bruise up his bitch too badly, but… We can toy with her a bit. He never said we couldn’t loosen her tongue another way.”
He steps into the circle of light, and I strain to take him in. A much older man, with graying black hair and piercing blue eyes. Him, I know as well. Bastian Cortez. The other must be his brother Boaz.
“Look at me, mamacita,” Bastian croons. A warm pressure settles over my thigh, creeping upward. My breath catches as I recognize the touch for what it is—fingers.
Oh, God.
“Be good to us, and we can keep this encounter short and sweet, yes? A friend of ours wants us to ask you some questions. Be truthful, and we’ll let you go. Now, tell us about where you went withEl Jaguar.”
Jaguar. His name awakens the skeptical part of my brain. Ah, sothismust be his trick. Why he was so damn smug. Torture is the game he wants to play to test my loyalty to him—so much so that his goons don’t even try to disguise his role. They stupidly let it slip that he’s watching this from afar, desperate to see me break.
And I am so damn tempted to. I open my mouth to tell Jaguar exactly what I know about him. That he is a bastard. A liar. A fucking fool.
Then I remember…
I’d be playing right into his hands, proving his twisted suspicion correct. He wants loyalty? Oh, I’ll show him loyalty.
Wrestling control over my tongue, I face Bastian Cortez. My mouth is so dry I can barely choke out, “Go to hell.”
“Bitch—” His brother seizes a fistful of my hair, wrenching my face toward him. “Where did he take you?”
I say nothing.
“I think she needs more fucking convincing,” Boaz snarls, releasing me. “I don’t think your methods are working,cabrón.”
“Oh, they will work.”
Bastian steps into view as I feel his fingers creep higher, inching beneath the skirt of my dress.
Oh, God.I try to breathe. Think. Do anything but scream. A frightened whimper drips out of me anyway as one pathetic thought circles my brain.How could he?