Page 23 of All the Right Moves
“Who? Momma?”
I nod.
“I don’t know that she’s mad, Jen. I think she thinksyou’remad at her.”
“Why on Earth would she think that?”
He rolls his eyes at me. “Oh, maybe because you snapped at her the other day and kicked her out.”
“That’s not what happened!” I snap. “You’re taking her side without even hearing mine.”
“Okay, then, tell me your side.”
I tell him everything that happened the other day, from when she embarrassed me in front of Shane to how she won’t let me do anything on my own.
When I’m finished, my brother looks me dead in the eye and says, “I think you’re being a brat.”
“You heard me,” he says. “You need to learn that she’s yourmother,and it’s sort of her job to take care of you—especially when you need her the most.”
“No buts, Jenna. Picture someone who you’re extremely close to getting hurt. Wouldn’t you do whatever you could to help them? Even if maybe they didn’twantorneedit?”
When I don’t immediately respond, he adds, “What if one of your nieces or nephews broke their leg? Wouldn’t you be there constantly trying to take care of them?”
I nod because I know he’s right. I would die for any one of those kids. But I’m not ready to admit that he’s right.
He glances over at me. “I’m sure that instinct is much stronger when it’s your own kid. In fact, I know it is.”
Guilt eats away at me. Truth be told, I intended to apologize to Momma, but then, she sent Jessie today, and I got all salty again.
We are silent for a little while until I finally speak again. “I guess karma came back around, though.”
“What do you mean?”
“After I was mean to her the other day and she left, I attempted to take a shower by myself, and I slipped and fell.”
He nods. “Oh, yeah, Jonas mentioned something about that.”
“Did he mention that he sent Shane to help me? Or that Shane showed up when I was naked?”
Jessie’s eyes go wide. “You’re shitting me!”
“Nope. He saw me in nothing but a wet towel. And I hit my head and got all light-headed, so he…”
“He what?” Jessie asks, hanging on to my every word.
“He had to hold me up while I finished my shower.”
Jessie is quiet for a moment before busting out in a full-blown belly laugh.
“It’s not funny,” I protest.
“You’re right. It’s fucking hilarious,” he says while trying to breathe through the laughter.
I’ll never admit it to him, but maybe it is alittlefunny.