Page 51 of All the Right Moves
Sitting up, she grabs a pillow and clings it against her chest. “I’m serious. Look, I’ve had a lot of time by myself in this house to think about things. And as mad as I was in the beginning, this time has forced me to reassess my priorities.”
I sit up so that I’m eye-to-eye with her, but I don’t say anything. Instead, I wait for her to continue whenever she’s ready.
Taking a deep breath, she continues, “I started playing volleyball just for fun. It was an outlet for me, but when I got good at it, everyone kept pushing me further and further into it. Suddenly, the idea that it could open new doors for me became a reality. It became something more than fun; it became my ticket out.
“The problem was that it becameallI did. I ate, slept, and breathed volleyball 24/7. I had my heart set on going pro, and I never even considered the idea that it might not happen. That was super naive of me, but it’s true. I never branched out and did anything else, so when it all fell apart, it was like my entire life unraveled. I had nothing else important.”
She takes another deep breath, but I don’t interrupt. “This is a really long-winded way for me to say that it’s time for me to find other things in my life that are fulfilling—other things that make me happy. And I have to say that I feel like the universe stepped in and brought me to you. So, as shitty as all of these events have been on their own, together they all led me to you, so I’m not counting it as a bad thing.”
I lay my hand on the side of her face and rub my thumb across her lips. “Sunshine, I know you didn’t plan on being here with me, but now that you are, I promise to do whatever I can to keep you happy.”
She smiles at me. “You’re off to a pretty damn good start.”
I pull her in to kiss her once more, silently hoping and praying that I’ll be enough to keep that gorgeous smile on her face.
Chapter Twenty-six
“What do you want to do today?” I ask Shane. He has the day off, and although I’m perfectly content with staying in bed with him all day, if we keep fucking like we are, we’ll probably start to get some friction burns.
Since my brothers figured out our secret the other night, I figure the cat is out of the bag, so I asked Shane to stay the night. Although sleeping next to him was wonderful, I have to admit that we didn’t do much sleeping.
What can I say? We just can’t keep our hands to ourselves. Why would I want to? The man can give me mind-blowing orgasms while making me feel sexy and adored.
And as much as I enjoy him taking the reins and making me come so hard my soul temporarily leaves my body, I can’t wait to get this cast off to open up a whole new wave of things to try. I’ve always loved riding a dick like I’m riding a mechanical bull, and I’m beyond excited to ride the work of art living in Shane’s boxers.
The cast just makes it too damn awkward to do that. Plus, I’m always down for switching it up and trying new things.
Not to mention that it would be nice to walk without having to use crutches or do a weird hop.
The reasons why I want this thing off could fill a book, and hopefully, at my doctor’s appointment in a few days, he will have some good news for me.
Shane pulls me from my thoughts when he says, “Well, I sort of have an idea, but I don’t know how you’ll feel about it.”
Joking, I reply, “Is this where you ask me if I want to try butt stuff?”
His body shakes next to mine as he laughs. “I mean, I’m willing to try it if you are, but that wasn’t what I was going to say.”
“Okay, what’s your idea?”
“Well, since your family knows about us now, I was thinking we could go to my place and spend some time with my grandparents.”
Typically, the idea of meeting the parents, or grandparents in this case, would send me running in the other direction. In fact, I’ve never been serious enough with a guy to even really get to this point.
But I know how important Shane’s grandparents are to him, and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy that he wants me to spend time with them. And if we continue with this thing we’re doing, I’m going to have to be around them all the time, right?
The look on his face tells me he’s nervous about my answer, so I attempt to put him at ease. “That sounds fun. Let’s do it.”
“Really?” His face lights up with pleasant surprise.
“Of course. But we will have to shower first. I’m not going over there smelling like hot sex.”
He kisses me again. “Do you think we’ll be able to take a shower without being all over each other?”
I giggle because I know he’s right. “Probably not.”