Page 54 of All the Right Moves
“You had to have something better to bring the ladies home to, huh?”
I take a seat next to her on the soft mattress. “Actually, Jenna, you’re the first woman that’s ever been in here. I mean, sure, I had a few girls come over when we were in high school, but it was before it looked like this.”
She playfully nudges my shoulder. “Well, don’t I feel special? Why didn’t you ever bring girls home? I know you date, and based on how you use that lovely tool in your pants, I know you have sex.”
The compliment gets a small laugh out of me (and, of course, strokes my ego a bit). “Sunshine, I meant it when I said I haven’t dated seriously before. Sure, I've done the other stuff, but it’s never been serious enough for me to want to introduce them to my family.”
“But you wanted me to spend time with them?” She seems genuinely surprised.
I scoot closer to her and lay my hand on her thigh. “Don’t you get it, Sunshine? I’m crazy about you. And if anyone were to come and spend time with two of the most important people in my life, there’s no one I would rather it be. You’re my girl, Jenna. It’s only right that they get to know you.”
“I’m your girl?” She smiles a bit nervously.
My hand leaves her thigh and reaches up to push a rogue curl out of her face before bringing her face to mine and pressing my mouth to hers. I take her bottom lip between mine and get lost in her kiss for a moment.
When we break apart, I rest my forehead against hers. “Yeah, Sunshine, you’re my girl. And I’ve waited a long time to find a girl like you, and I’m sure as shit not letting you go now.”
Her arms wrap around my neck as she pulls me in for a hug. “For what it’s worth, I’m happy to be your girl.”
Little does she know, it’s worth everything.
She adds, “And I’m thrilled you brought me here today. Your grandparents might just be the sweetest people I’ve ever met.”
“Yeah, they are,” I agree. “And they seem to be crazy about you too.”
“I still find it crazy that some girl hasn’t swooped you up by now. You’re pretty much a dreamboat.”
Mutual laughter breaks out between us, and I say, “Well, thank you for calling me a dreamboat. But most women aren’t exactly turned on by the fact that I live with my grandparents. It doesn’t matter that I’m the one who actually owns the house and pays most of the bills. A lot of women just see a big man-child or something.”
A line between her eyes appears as her forehead creases. “Why would any of that matter? It shouldn’t matter who the fuck owns the house. What matters is that you love your family, and you’re willing to do whatever you have to do to take care of them. It should show a lot of character that you would stay here to help out instead of running out to get your own place. I turned eighteen, and I couldn’t get out of the house fast enough.”
“You went to college. It’s different,” I interject.
Her shoulders shrug up and down. “I guess. But still, it’s admirable what you did—what you’re doing. All those other women who don’t like it can just go screw themselves.”
I can’t help but smile at her spunk. She’s going to bat for me against hypothetical women she’s never met. I love it.
I love her.
But as to not scare her off, I’m not going to say that out loud yet.
This is a serious moment between us, but I’m not about to take it there.
To break some of the tension, she says, “So, do you want to make out on your bed?”
“Sunshine, you read my mind.”
Chapter Twenty-eight
“So, what do you want to do tonight?” I ask Shane, who is sitting on the opposite end of the couch, rubbing my foot.
“I have an idea that would get us out of the house for a while.”
I can’t help but smile at his thoughtfulness. Yesterday, I told him how I’ve been going stir crazy being cooped up inside this house. Aside from us going to see his grandparents, I haven’t gone anywhere. Shane offers to take me out every night to do something, but he’s been working long hours at the ranch, and I know he’s tired in the evenings.
It’s nice to just hang out with him and relax after he gets off.