Page 83 of All the Right Moves
“Shit,” Shane mumbles. “I shouldn’t have brought you here.”
“Why not?” I ask, moving my eyes away from the photo and looking at him.
“Because it’s just a reminder of everything you gave up. I’m doing a hell of a job of reminding you why you aren’t happy being back here.”
I stop him. “Whoa. Hold on. Why do you think I’m unhappy? Sure, I had some issues with depression, but it has nothing to do with Grady.”
He thinks for a moment and runs his hand along his chin along the stubble—which he started letting grow out when I told him I liked it. “I just know that Grady isn’t all that exciting, but I wanted to show you that it still has some good qualities.”
It’s all starting to make a little more sense. He wonders if I can ever truly be happy here…with him…in this small town of ours.
“Shane, are you worried that I’m not happy here?”
His shoulders shrug. “I know that I may not always have the most to offer, and neither does Grady, but we both still have some good qualities.”
“Babe, I didn’t leave Grady because I didn’t like it. I left because a college offered me an opportunity for my future. It was about growing myself, not about escaping Grady. Despite the shortcomings of small towns, this place is my home.”
“But when you came back, I saw how much it killed you.”
Taking his hand in mine, I reply, “Coming back was hard because it meant that a certain phase of my life was over. But this small town gave me you, and I’d say that’s a pretty good trade-off if you ask me.”
“You don’t have to say that,” he says. “I’m not trying to throw a pity party here. I just want to make sure you’re happy.”
I lean in to kiss him. “I’m beyond happy here with you.”
“Really?” He smiles before giving me another kiss.
We stand there for a moment, kissing in the hallway like a couple of teenagers. Feeling bold, I grab his hand and lead him down the hall, trying every single door until I find one that’s unlocked.
When we get inside, I see that’s it’s the school band room. Still holding his hand, I lead him down towards the front, where the teacher’s desk sits. There’s a couple of stacks of papers on top of it that I quickly shove off onto the floor like a scene in a dramatic movie.
“I’ve always wanted to do that,” I giggle.
“Sunshine, what on Earth are you doing?” Shane asks as I start pulling my jeans down.
“I don’t know that I can wait until tonight to feel you inside of me.”
In case we have to make a quick getaway, I don’t take my jeans off all the way. Instead, I pull them down just far enough before bending over the desk, putting my ass on full display for Shane.
“Jesus, woman, you are going to kill me,” he says.
I hear him unzipping his pants, and I wait for him to slide into me, but it’s not his dick I feel. Instead, he kneels behind me, and I feel his tongue delve into my folds. It takes no time at all before I’m wet and ready for him.
That’s when he stands back up and slides into me, but not before giving a firm slap to my ass.
Ohhh, I like that.
He moves hard and fast, trying to get both of us to cross the finish line without wasting too much time. My hands grip the cool wood of the desk as Shane’s grip my thighs. My moans get louder, and one of his large hands reaches around to cover my mouth.
We are both getting close, but something stops us dead in our tracks. We suddenly hear voices outside one of the doors leading into the large room. We break apart, both of us pulling up our jeans as fast as we can before bolting out the door on the other side of the room.
We don’t stop running until we get through the doors leading outside. When the fresh air hits us, we both stop and keel over as laughter consumes us.
We collapse in a heap on the ground, and Shane pulls me closer saying, “You are just a naughty little thing, aren’t you?”
“What can I say?” I smile. “You bring it out in me. And you know you love it.”