Page 95 of All the Right Moves
My adrenaline is through the roof from everything that’s happened in the past hour, and my mind is racing.
Opening the door, I step out into the snow and look around. Of course, there is no one in sight.
But I’ve come this far, and I’m not leaving without talking to Shane.
It’s not that far, so I decide to walk the rest of the way.
Chapter Fifty-two
Maybe driving to the hardware store a couple of towns over wasn’t the best idea in the middle of a snowstorm, but what else was I going to do?
I’m off a few days for Christmas, and I don’t do well with free time. Maybe that’s why the whole house is basically remodeled at this point. Every time I have free time, I spend it trying to be productive—and trying to keep my mind off Jenna.
A month later, and things still aren’t any easier. I think about her constantly and wonder if she’s doing okay.
I even went up to her school to see her and maybe talk to her. But she seemed to be doing great, and I didn’t want to fuck up anything. So, I turned around and came home with my tail between my legs.
I had the girl of my dreams, and I lost her all in the span of a month. Now, I guess that’s just a decision I have to live with.
As I pull into my driveway, something on the porch catches my eye. It’s a person.
Even as I pull closer, I can’t tell who it is. They are wearing a bright red jacket and appear to be huddled beneath it.
When I get out of the truck, I walk toward the porch. That walk turns into a full-blown run when I see a mess of curly blonde hair blowing in the wind.
“Jenna?!” I call, hurrying to the porch. “What are you doing out here?! It’s freezing!”
She nods. “Uh-huh. I came to see you, but you weren’t home.”
“How long have you been out here?”
“I don’t know,” she says through chattering teeth. “My phone died.”
“Let’s get you inside,” I say, unlocking the door and leading her through it. “I didn’t see your car out there. How’d you get here?”
“My car died up the road, and I walked the rest of the way.”
“You walked in the middle of a snow storm?!”
She nods.
I look her up and down and see that her clothes are soaked through from the snow, and she appears to be shivering.
Quickly, I grab a pair of shorts and a t-shirt off of the stack of clean laundry that’s on the couch and hand them to her.
“Here. Change into these, and I’ll put your clothes in the dryer.”
I walk into the kitchen, figuring she would want some privacy, but she starts undressing before I’m even out of the room. It takes every ounce of willpower I have not to stare.
When I am sure she’s changed, I head back to the living room, grab her wet clothes, and take them to the dryer.
As I walk back into the living room, I see she’s still shaking, and she’s got her arms crossed over her like she’s trying to get warm.