Page 4 of All the Right Things
The man takes off his hat for a moment and runs his fingers through his hair. He has a mess of sandy-blonde waves that he pushes out of his face before putting his baseball cap back on.
I’m assuming this man is my new landlord, so I know I shouldn’t be drooling over him like this, but I can’t help it. Since Michael died, I haven’t noticed another man, but this sex-on-a-stick is being dangled right in front of me.
If a man is that good-looking, though, he probablyknowsit and uses it to his full advantage. I doubt a man like that goes to bed alone very often. That’s precisely what Idon’tneed…another man with a wandering eye…or a wandering penis.
But I figure I should go over and introduce myself. It would be rude not to, right? Anxiety starts to creep up on me about walking over there to talk to him without blushing the whole time.
So, I decide to sit and watch a little more YouTube until I can summon the confidence to say hi.
A couple of hours later, I am doing a once-over on myself in front of the mirror. I figured before I meet Mr. Sexy, I’d better at least run a brush through my hair and toss on a little makeup.
My black hair is still straightened from the day before, so I didn’t have to do much to it, and I applied a little foundation and mascara to complete the look. I don’t have much in the way of clothing since I’d just packed a small bag to go with me on the road. Everything else is still lost in Limbo on the moving truck. I settle on a cute yellow sundress and some tan wedges. It’s not the most flattering outfit since it does little to cover my jiggly parts, but I don’t have a lot to work with.
Without thinking any more about it, I head out the door. The sun is beating down today, but there’s a nice breeze to counteract it. I have to say it’s a bit more humid than I’m used to, though. Humidity is something that I can say neither I, nor my hair has missed since moving from Chicago to California. But I guess I’ll have to get used to it once more.
The man is pacing on his porch when I walk up. He looks frazzled about something, and I considering turning back. Then, I realize that would probably seem even more awkward than this moment right now.
“Hi,” I say softly. When he doesn’t immediately turn, I repeat it a little louder.
He whips around, and I can see that up close, he is even more attractive. I thought that if I got a glimpse of his face, it would calm my lady bits down. But no, he’s fine as hell, and believe me, my lady parts are taking notice.
“Hi, can I help you?” He asks, rather curtly.
My mouth goes dry momentarily, and I begin to fumble my words. “Uh hi, I just wanted to introduce myself.”
“If you’re selling something, I’m not interested,” he says in a deep Southern drawl.
“Oh no, I’m living in your house.”
That came out weird.
“I mean, I’m living in your other house. I’m your new tenant.”
“Oh, right.” He says.
“I’m Andi,” I say, holding out my hand.
He walks down the two steps until he’s on equal ground with me. “Andi? Isn’t that a boy’s name?”
Anger flicks inside me.Like I haven’t heard that one before.“Not this time.”
A shadow of a smile dances on his lips but is gone before I can get a good look at it. He has the most crystal blue eyes that are staring into my soul right now.
Finally, he reaches out to shake my hand. “I’m Jonas Mitchell. I own the ranch here.”
The moment his hand touches mine, I feel electricity shoot through my body, but I try to hide it. This man doesn’t need to see his effect on me even though I’m sure it’s the effect he has on all women.Clearly, it’s nothing more than my libido screaming for attention.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Mitchell.”
We stand with our hands still touching and our eyes locked for what feels like forever. When the phone in Jonas’ pocket starts ringing, it pulls us both out of our daze.
“Excuse me, I have to take this,” he says and walks away.
Since it’s clear that our conversation is over, I begin to walk back toward my new home. My home with no stuff in it. My home where I’m all alone. My home that I am quickly starting to regret moving into.
Chapter Four