Page 9 of All the Right Things
“Please, don’t go through any trouble for me,” I protest, but he holds up his hand.
“No trouble at all. After all, I have to eat. I might as well feed you too. Just come in the kitchen whenever you’re ready.” He gives me another one of those smiles and gives my hand a light, reassuring squeeze.
As he leaves the room, I take a deep breath and try to still the butterflies in my stomach. But it’s no use. The man simply touched me, and it set me on fire. There’s only one thing I can think of.
I am in so much trouble.
Chapter Six
Awarm breeze blows through the air around me as I stand on the deck, making the scent of the steaks I’m grilling even more prominent.
Damn, I hope she likes steak. Maybe I should have asked her.
Call me crazy, but I couldn’t just let Andi sit over in that empty house all alone. My momma raised me better than that. And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little bit smitten with her. I’m not quite sure why. I mean, sure, she’s gorgeous, but a city-girl isn’t exactly my type. At least, I don’t think it’s my type. I’ve never been around them much to know.
I was born and raised here in Grady, and I don’t ever plan on leaving. Don’t get me wrong; it’s not that Grady is on America’s Top Ten Greatest Places to Live or anything. In fact, it’s probably the opposite. This town is set in its ways, and I don’t see it ever changing much. Maybe that’s why I like it. Although I’ve built a business and a good life for myself, I'm a simple man at the end of the day. It doesn’t take much to make me happy, and I’ve learned that the little things in life are what matter the most.
I wonder how much Andi, the city-slicker, will like the small-town life. I don’t think I’ve ever dated anyone who wasn’t from a town just like my own.
Even though I typically leave this small town to find my dates, small towns are all that surround us. The women are still the same. The name on the sign leading into town is just different. At least when I get out of Grady, I have fewer people in my business.
And by ‘dates,’ I mean women I might take out a couple of times before taking them back to their place for the night to have some fun. The last time I did a serious relationship, we both stayed in it far longer than we should have. It was like a game of chicken in which neither of us wanted to admit defeat. All that either of us won, in the end, was a lot of heartbreak. I vowed not to jump into any relationships until it felt right.
Call me a romantic, but I have to have that feeling in my gut that this is the woman for me. I’ll wait for the girl who makes me smile at just the thought of her. The girl who keeps me in line while loving me as deeply as I love her. The girl who is the other half to my whole.
Mind you, I won’t say that to anyone I know. I can only imagine the shit that the guys at the ranch would give me for wanting something more than a good fuck. I’m a man, so of course, I love pussy. But for anything more than a quick lay, I want something more substantial attached to that pussy.
I raise the lid on the grill to flip the steaks, and the sliding glass door opens. I glance up to see Andi standing in the doorway.
“There you are,” she says with a small smile.
“Sorry, I figured I’d cook these on the grill since it’s such a nice night. I hope you like steak.”
Her small smile gets wider. “Ilovesteak.”
She turns around to close the sliding door behind her, and I get a look at her plump ass. The deliciously rounded cheeks are hanging out of the bottom of her black cotton shorts, and I have to try not to stare. My eyes try to search for something else on her body to focus on, but as she turns back to face me, I see her ample cleavage hanging above the neck of her tank top. And then, my eyes land on her curvy hips. I can tell my gaze makes her uncomfortable when she folds her hands across her stomach.
“Sorry, I didn’t have anything else to wear,” she says, avoiding eye contact.
“Sweetheart, why the hell are you sorry? Look at you. Fucking gorgeous.”
Her cheeks redden further, and they are almost as dark as the red towel she has wrapped around her wet hair. The look on her face says she doesn’t believe me. I don’t know what asshole told her she wasn’t beautiful, but I’d like to give him a few choice words.
She walks toward me and looks at the grill. In the sunlight, I can see that she has freckles smattered over the bridge of her nose and cheeks. And when her eyes find mine, I can see small dots of yellow coming through her light-brown irises.
“Can I help with anything?” She asks, looking up at me.
“I think I’ve got it.” I smile. “You just sit down and enjoy yourself. There are some drinks in the fridge if you want.”
“Thanks,” she beams as she heads back inside.
I can’t take my eyes off her ass the entire time. It jiggles with every step, and I want nothing more than to palm it while she’s pressed up against me.
Stop it. This girl is clearly having a rough time of it right now, and she doesn’t need you jumping on her like a dog in heat.