Page 12 of More than Myself
“I-I had no idea.”
“He—he told me…” She huffed. “I believed him. I don’t know.”
“Didn’t you think to check?” he snapped.
“I did the first couple of times, but Andy always assures me it’s okay, so I guess I haven’t in a while,” she snapped back.
“Do you knowanythingabout kids?” He was doing his best not to shout, but only because he didn’t want Andy to hear him.
“And what have you been doing while your brother, who you haven’t thought to check on, has been home alone, taking care of himself? Making a name for yourself as some kind of crappy, boozed-up actress?”
“Me?” The fire in her tone was lethal. “I am not an actress, nor am I boozed-up. What I do is pay the bills. All of them. Houses don’t just pay for themselves. Or were you under the impression that my mother was rich like your family?”
Will’s jaw hung open. He was momentarily at a loss for words. He truly hadn’t thought about that aspect. Before he could respond, the irate woman on the other end continued.
“Do you know how much it costs to treat breast cancer? We put a second mortgage on the house to pay medical bills. I’m in debt up to my eyeballs. Not to mention cost-of-living expenses for Andy and me. And let’s not forget what it costs for Andy to swim with your team. I’m doing the best I can. I’ve heard the rumors. Why don’t I just quit my job and come home? The swim team moms and the staff at the school? Every one of them judges me and how I’m handling things, but if I quit so I can be home, then how do I pay the bills? Got a suggestion? If so, I’m all ears. Because I’ve been the one paying the billsfor years.”
The words shocked his system.
And she was right.
She was supporting her family, and that was exactly what Will had done when he took over the gym to pay the bills at home. By the time he was eighteen, both of his parents had passed away and the gym had belonged to him and his brothers.
Although he was the only one with an interest in running the gym, he’d had no idea what he was doing. He wasn’t sure how old Aly was, but she sounded young, and if she had been paying the bills for years, that made them a lot more alike than Will wanted to admit.
“I’m sorry,” he said after clearing his throat. “When something hits personally, it’s hard to see the forest past the trees.”
“It’s okay.” She sighed. “Like I said, I looked into the Demodas. And you. I know what you went through. And you probably have a general idea of how much cancer costs.”
That comment led to a long, awkward pause.
“So,” Will said finally, “it’s clear that we need to speak directly and not communicate through him.”
She scoffed. “I’ll add it to the list of things I’ve learned a little too late.” It was a mumble, but it still made the corner of Will’s mouth turn up.
“What’s the plan for the new babysitter?” Will scanned the clean kitchen before heading back to check the family room.
“Find one that thinks saran wrap on the toilet seat and switching the sugar dish to salt is funny? My brother can be a little shit sometimes.”
He’d told Andy to get his stuff, but he hadn’t spoken the words aloud yet. Looking around this dark, empty house firmed up his decision.
“I might know someone.” It was weird thinking about having someone in his space full time. Luke stayed with him here and there, but it had been years since he’d lived with anyone.
“Really? Are they okay with frogs too? Because he’s been known to put them in the bathtub.”
The laugh slipped out. “I think I can handle a frog.”
“You?” The disbelief in her tone was obvious.
“I grew up smack in the middle of seven brothers. Trust me. I know every stupid stunt in the book. And it sounds like Andy could use some consistency. He’ll be safe and taken care of, and his living expenses just went down to nothing. And don’t worry about the swim cost. Andy is officially on scholarship.”
“I’m not looking for charity,” she snapped. “Just a babysitter, who I canpay.”
“Right, but I’m availableandqualified. I have multiple certifications in first aid and childcare. Plus, I have seven brothers who think pranks are funny as hell.” He took a breath and added, “And I’m not taking your money.”