Page 26 of More than Myself
“Someday you’ll meet a hot girl and want to impress her, and you’ll call me and thank me for teaching you manners so she doesn’t think you’re an ape.”
Andy scoffed but proceeded to set the table, even giving everyone a napkin. Aly stood stone still, watching the easy banter and pressing down on the jealousy that rose within her. She and Andy had never had what Will had created in just weeks.
She wasn’t stellar in the kitchen, either, but Will moved effortlessly, like he did this all the time. Even in today’s society, a lot of men would be uncomfortable in the role of cook, not to mention homework helper, but Will did it without pause.
“There, done. But it’s not because I want to impress a girl. I just want food.”
“Go wash your hands, monkey man.” Will chuckled before turning to her. “Have a seat. What can I get you to drink?”
“Uh, just water?”
Will nodded and filled a glass as Andy came running back to the table.
“Okay, say grace,” Will reminded Andy once the tray of lasagna sat in the center, smelling like heaven on earth.
“Grace.” Andy smirked.
“Smart-ass.” Will shook his head.
“Okay, okay,” Andy said and folded his hands. “Thank you for the lasagna. And please help me convince Will to make it again next week since it is my favorite, even though it’s too much work for a weekly meal. And thank you for giving Will and me each other because it’s been the best. Amen.”
Will extended an arm and gave the kid a squeeze on the shoulder. Andy beamed up at him at the gesture. Aly swallowed down another hit of jealousy, feeling like the odd man out. But they ate dinner while Will made small talk about Aly’s flight and Andy acted like Aly wasn’t there.
“Odd or even?” Will asked when both he and Andy had finished.
“Odd, ha-ha!” Andy smiled at him.
“Damn, okay. I got dishes. You get Minecraft,” Will said.
Andy jumped up from the table, dropped his dishes next to the sink, and hustled through the swinging door.
“What’s odd or even mean?” Aly asked as she helped clear the table.
“We have a system for chores like dishes and garbage and folding clothes. If it’s an odd day, I do it. If it’s an even day, Andy has to help,” Will explained.
“You two seem…I mean, everything seems…good.” Aly finally stumbled through the observation. She was happy, of course—really happy—that Andy was well taken care of. Not only had Andy found a place to stay, but he’d found a place where he really belonged. She wished she could have the type of relationship with her brother that Will had developed, but she was hopelessly awful with people.
“Yeah, everything is great,” Will agreed and took the plates out of her hands. “I got this,” he said, organizing the dishes in the sink. “Why don’t you go chat with Andy? He enjoys showing people his Minecraft world. You might even get a smile.”
That was highly unlikely, but she would try.
She pushed through the door to find her brother exactly where Will had predicted: on the sectional sofa, PS5 controller in hand, and staring at the TV. The room wasn’t huge, but the high ceilings with wooden beams gave it a roomy feel.
“Whatcha playing?” she asked, moving to sit not too far away.
“Minecraft.” He didn’t even glance away from the TV.
“Will said you have a very cool house.”
He grunted.
So much for small talk. She might as well jump right into the bigger stuff.
“I wanted to talk to you about why we’re staying here instead of at our house.”
He narrowed his eyes and turned her way warily, glaring at her like she’d already done something wrong.
“I’m here because Willlikeshaving me around. Unlike you.” He slammed the controller onto the cushion and crossed his arms.