Page 42 of More than Myself
He placed her carefully on the bed before he started pointing.
“Motrin. Gatorade. Ginger ale. Water. Crackers.” All on the bedside table. “Pot.” The one she’d dug out for Andy was sitting on the swirls of green of the bedspread next to her. “Garbage can.” It had been dragged to the beige area rug next to the bed. “Your phone is also on that nightstand.” Will pointed to the other side of the bed. “Call me if you need anything.”
She glanced around her room. Of course he’d covered everything.
“You good?”
She was sick and embarrassed. And nowhere near as competent as the man in front of her. But otherwise, she was fine. He waited for her to nod before he turned and strode out, leaving the door cracked behind him.
She sighed, not knowing whether to be happy that he’d been so caring or crushed because there was no way that hearing her puke hadn’t ended the attraction he’d had for her. At least it was one less thing to worry about. Now she just had to get over her obsession with him.
Will pausedthe television and turned to Andy. He’d recovered from the stomach flu quickly. Even Aly hadn’t been down for the count for more than a day or so. And luckily, four days later, Will remained unscathed. The first episode of Aly’s special had just aired, and it hadn’t been what Will expected. Starting with how, although he and Andy had only been on the set once, they’d gotten a lot of screen time.
“Told ya.” Andy smirked, and Will’s phone buzzed again. “She’s the doting big sister, I’m the precious little kid, and you’re the babysitter who appeared out of thin air like a Christmas miracle.” Andy spread his arms out and dropped them to his sides. “It’s all crap.”
“Andy,” Will warned, even though the kid wasn’t wrong.
“I told you we shouldn’t watch it. It’s dumb.”
Will shook his head. He had convinced Andy that they should watch it. And with as big a part as he’d played in what had aired, it was certainly good he had.
“Even how they make that weirdo Logan look like he’s this cool guy. But Aly hates him.”
Andy sure was chatty tonight, even though Will was rendered speechless. Although Logan and Aly were less flirty than they had been the previous season, they were portrayed as friends. But that wasn’t even the most shocking part.
“Did I look like I was glowing when I walked up the front steps?”
Andy laughed. “It’s a filter. The show is painting you as the savior, so, of course, you glow. Reality TV is not reality. Aly used to tell me that because she didn’t want me to think that the things I saw on the show were real.”
“Yeah.” This wasn’t news to him, but when he was watchinghimselfon the show, it was definitely weird.
“Is that your brothers?” Andy asked as his phone buzzed again.
Will shrugged. “I’m part of two chats, and both are blowing up. One is just the guys, and the other includes Aunt Beth, Aunt Morgan, Aunt Trish, and Aunt Taran.” Will didn’t move to grab his phone. Truthfully, he was scared of what his family was saying. He could picture the ridiculous GIFs of him as an angel they were probably sending.
“Why do you have two chats? Do you talk bad about the aunts?”
Will chuckled. “You know as well as I do that if I uttered one bad word about them, their husbands would skin me alive.”
“So why do you have a chat without them?”
Ha! What a loaded question. Will took a second to plan his answer becausewe’re inappropriate assholes who would piss off our sisters-in-lawseemed like the wrong way to go. “You know how you admitted that you like it when I assign you to be lap partner with Sophie at swimming?”
Andy turned crimson. “I—uh—”
Will didn’t let him go any further. “You and I can talk about that, and it’s cool. But you wouldn’t want to have to talk about it with Aunt Beth or Aunt Taran, right?”
Andy’s eyes widened, and he shook his head violently.
“No matter how old you get, there will always be things—like girls and who can fart the loudest—”
“Me!” Andy shouted and proved it.
Will shook his head and chuckled at the gas machine on his sofa. “Right. But those are topics best left for the guys.”
“Okay.” Andy’s answer was slow, and he pursed his lips. “So,” he swallowed, “do you talk about Aly in the chat with your brothers?”