Page 46 of More than Myself
“We’re all allowed a plus-one. Wouldn’t want our girl all alone, would we?” She raised her pierced brow in challenge.
Will rocked back on his heels. “We would not.” He pulled his phone from his pocket and fired off a couple of texts. It only took about twenty seconds to get a reply from his sister, who agreed to keep Andy overnight. “Thanks for the info.” He gave Lily one more nod before heading straight to the island.
“Can I have a turn with the nail gun now?” Andy asked Garry.
“Sure. This way.” Garry led the kid toward the stairs.
Will scanned Aly’s crop tank top and black leggings. Nothing about the outfit should have been overly exciting, but it was. Aly in sweats and a T-shirt turned him on these days, so it probably wasn’t the clothes. Just the woman wearing them.
She tilted her head and tucked her long golden-brown curls over her shoulder.
“Do you need something?” Logan asked from across the island.
Will kept his attention solidly where it should be—on Aly—when he responded. “Just letting Aly know I’m going to be her date Saturday night.”
Her eyes widened for a second before she rolled them.
“Going all-in on that shit,” Logan scoffed.
Will didn’t even care what he meant. “What’s that reaction about?” he asked Aly, closing the distance between them so he was right in front of her.
She sighed before looking up at him. “It almost seems normal nowadays. Of course you’dtellme you’re going to be my date formywork party. Amazingly enough, I’ve gotten used to your bossiness.” She chuckled.
“Good.” Will smirked, planning all the ways he intended to show her exactly how bossy he could be.
“Because I’m stuck with you since we’re friends now?”
“Friendstoo,” Will corrected.
Aly raised a single brow and cocked her head to the side.
“You’ll figure it out.” He winked.
“Be quick,”Beth yelled after the boys as they took off up the stairs.
“EpiPen.” Will handed the tube over to his sister. They were supposed to have left over an hour ago, but Aly texted to say she was running behind, so Beth had waited to come over to grab Andy.
“I swear, Will, since Thanksgiving, I’ve been even more careful about it.” Beth held her hand up in an oath.
Will shook his head, chuckling. “I trust you.”
“That’s a lot of pressure, you know. You’ll be a crazy man if I mess up.” She crossed her arms over her chest and stomped her foot.
He took a sip of his beer and leaned back against his kitchen island. “Don’t be dramatic.”
“This is such a weird turn of events for me.”
He paused with the beer hovering over the counter and watched his sister. “Having extra kids is weird for you?” She had extra kids 90 percent of the time. She was the queen ofdon’t worry. I’ll watch ’em. That was the reason he’d called on her for this.
“No.” She laughed. “Normally, you’re the one watching the kids for us so Marc and I can—”
“Don’t.” He held up his hand. “Please don’t finish that thought.”
She cackled. “I was going to say so we can have a date night, but good to know where your mind is at.”
He shook his head, fighting a smirk. He’d fallen into that trap all by himself.