Page 10 of And Then There's You
All morning I was stressed wanting to know the details for tonight, but I didn’t want to come off annoying, so I refrained from texting Dean. Sometime during psychology he must have texted me because I see a notification as I’m packing my bag.
“I'll pick you up at 7. What’s your address?”
“Okay,” I reply, along with my address. I don’t want to sound too excited in case all he really wants is sex. I don’t think I’m that type of person, even if that’s what college is about for a lot of people.
I realize too late that I gave a stranger my home address. At least the girls will be over in case anything crazy happens.
By the time I get home after class, it feels like I’ve been gone for a week. Tuesdays are my long day at school, so I only have an hour to get ready. Luckily, even hungover, I was composed enough this morning to pick my outfit and lay it out on my bed.
Black jeans, black leather jacket and a flowy teal tank top with gray heeled boots. It’s an outfit Avery picked out for me after I made my resolution to get out more at the beginning of the school year, but I haven’t had anywhere to wear it until now. It’s not really my style, but it feels right for a night out of dinner and music. Certain the confidence in my outfit should reflect the confidence I had that made this date happen, I jump into my jeans and slide my tank top carefully over my freshly curled hair. I reach for my eyeliner to do my makeup as the front door slams into the stopper on the wall behind it.
“We’re here!” Alexis sings. The girls head straight toward me, which is a direct line from the front door, cat calling to me as they make their way past the living room to the bathroom. Taylor takes the eyeliner from my hand, signaling me to sit on the toilet so she can do my makeup for me. Thank goodness.
As the time ticks down, my nerves get higher. Are first dates always such a big production? I guess it’s something I’m going to have to get used to. Unless this was my last first date ever. Wouldn’t that be nice? Albeit probably a little hopeful.
7 p.m. on the dot.
Dean:I’m here. Just come out when you’re ready, no rush.
Maci:Be right out.
I grab my pink shimmer lip gloss and shove it in my small black crossbody purse along with the apartment keys, and head for the door. Avery slaps my ass as the rest of them holler after me to “have a good time” and “use protection.” I roll my eyes at their comments as I walk out our first floor apartment and scan the row of parking spaces in front of our building for Dean.
I hope I recognize him. It occurs to me once again I don’t know what the person picking me up drives. Within a second, I spot his slightly ruffled, sandy blond hair. He’s leaning against an old white truck, his feet crossed at his ankles and his hands shoved into his front pockets. Wow, he’s taller than I expected, he’s got at least six inches on my five foot six. I can tell from four parking spaces down that his jeans hug him perfectly. A gray shirt under a dusty red and blue flannel covers his broad shoulders. The sleeves are rolled up barely below his elbows, highlighting his muscular forearms. I practically have to stop myself from drooling. His entire look might not seem like the sexiest thing to a lot of people, but at this moment, I realize it’smything.
He’s following me with his dark eyes, and when he catches my heated gaze, he flashes me a dimpled smile. He’s definitely as cute as I thought, and despite the way my body heats up, I’m a lot more at ease. By the time I make it to his truck, he’s walked around to the passenger door, holding it open for me as I slide onto the gray leather seat.
“Good thing I’m not a serial killer since you gave a stranger your address,” he jokes. Oddly enough it’s more reassuring than unnerving.
“Yeah, good thing,” I smile.
Wepulluptoa freshly painted sky blue house, and he parks alongside the street. I'm confused at first, but then realize it's an older house that has been converted into a restaurant.
Before I can get my seatbelt off, the door opens and Dean’s hand reaches out for mine. The second I lift mine to grab it, tingles of electricity shoot through my fingers. Must be static again. Maybe I should use dryer sheets with my laundry. Climbing down from his truck, I keep an eye on my feet, knowing if I don’t, I’ll probably trip over the curb wearing these heels.
He drops my hand when we reach the front door so he can open it. Once I’m through, he gently guides me with his hand on my lower back, leading me up a flight of stairs directly in front of us. It feels like he’s been here before. I wonder how many times and with whom.
When we get to the top of the stairs, the host greets us, asks for Dean’s name and seats us at a two person table in the corner. Dean pulls my chair out for me, and I sit, taking in my surroundings. The room is dark, lit only by small, soft yellow lights. The vibe is more romantic than I expected for a first date. Part of me feels weird about that, but the rest of me is excited. I’m trying not to get my hopes too high again, especially after I had such a good time with Troy and then he disappeared on me–but Dean is not Troy. Like Avery reminded me, it’s only fair to give him a chance because “you never know when your Miller will come along.”
The restaurant turns out to be like the Melting Pot, except with a small, intimate, family run feel. We order a cheese pot, a meat and broth one and of course chocolate, which our waitress assures us she’ll space out properly. I turned down a cocktail when she offered and ordered water instead. Even though I was excited to get carded for the first time, I was already nervous and figured I would have a drink at the bar. Better to stay focused for now.
“So…” I break the silence that washes over us when the waitress walks away. I look up and his eyes are already on mine, all his attention on me. “Have you worked at the hot tub place for a while?” I feel dumb because I can’t for the life of me remember what it’s called.
“Yeah, since I was old enough to work. A family friend owns it. It’s just the two of us running the place.”
“Oh wow, so you’ve lived here most of your life? Do you like it here?”
“Yup, in the same house until I started college. I’m pretty sure my parents will live there forever. What about you? Did you grow up around here?” He leans back in his seat, and his comfort eases my remaining nerves.
“In Albany. My parents are hard core Oregon State fans. Imagine their reactions when I decided to come here instead.” I laugh, recalling the memory of sitting on our couch, with Avery there for support, as I broke the news to them.
We both pause to thank the waitress as she drops off our first course of assorted breads and vegetables with a cheese pot. I reach for a fondue fork as Dean picks up our conversation.
“I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation.” He chuckles. “I bet it makes game day fun.” He reaches for his own fork, stabbing a piece of bread with it.
“It does. It’s all in good fun though. Especially since both schools are within an hour drive of home, it doesn’t really make a difference.”