Page 5 of And Then There's You
“Let’s agree to disagree on this one. Or I’ll cave and admit Heath Ledger plays one of the best superhero roles of all time.”
“Deal. Okay…” He looks back at the card in his hand. “Apparently this card is themed. What is the worst superpower you could have?”
“Anything? Let me think, you go first,” I say, searching my brain for the craziest thing I can think of.
“Hmmm. I think the worst superpower would be the ability to get turned on by only people you have no interest in.”
I almost spit out the iced tea I ordered from the waitress. Of course he would say something like that, total man answer. “That would be terrible. Almost as terrible as being able to remember in detail every single bathroom you’ve ever been in.”
“What?” He laughs. “That’s the most random thing I’ve ever heard.”
“It was the first thing that popped into my head.” I shrug.
“You’re weird. I like it.”
The next 45 minutes fly by. We spend most of it going back and forth, answering nearly all the questions off the stack of cards someone left behind. I haven’t laughed this hard in a while. His answers are always random. He seems like a fun guy. By the time I need to head to my next class, I haven’t even taken my notes out. I pull them from my bag and give them to him.
“Thanks,” he says. “You probably need these for the homework? I can give them back tomorrow. How do you feel about getting dinner after classes?”
Is he asking me on a date? Is that what’s happening right now? I promised myself I’d be more open to opportunities this year, so now is as good a time as ever to take advantage. “A girl has to eat.” I look at him, chewing on my lip. “My last class gets out at 4:50.”
“Perfect. I’ll pick you up on main street at 5.”
Mystomachflipswithanxiety. I’m waiting outside the math building, conveniently next to where my last class of the day was. The steps leading down from the old brick building open up to the only driveable street that runs through campus, so it's the perfect place to meet Troy. When was the last time I was this nervous? I can’t remember. I'm sweating enough to take my sweatshirt off and tie it around my waist. I hope the jeans I put on this morning are going to be fine for this “adventure” claimed in a good morning text from him.
Sitting on the second step from the bottom, I keep my eyes on the road. I have no idea what type of car Troy drives. I’m squinting to look through the windows of each car that goes by for blond hair when out of the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of a black and lime green motorcycle. You don’t see many bikes in Oregon, especially on campus. I’ve never been on one before. I wonder what it’s like. My thoughts pause as the bike stops in front of me with the rider flipping the kickstand out with his foot. I recognize the white Adidas immediately. He pulls his helmet off.
Confirmed, Troy.
I must have the widest eyes he’s ever seen because he laughs as he reaches out with a plain black helmet. “Have you been on a motorcycle before?”
“Noooope,” I say nervously, popping the P and internally thanking my morning self for not putting on the dress I considered.
“Guess I get to be your first,” he winks, his blue gray eyes glittering as he smiles at me. He has the kind of confidence that sends a flutter through my stomach, rather than the conceited kind that makes me wish I was with anyone else.
I’m probably as terrified as he is amused. Are all the girls he dates this much of a baby? Or maybe they just think it's incredibly hot and that overrides their fear. I mean, he does look sexier than ever leaning against the black seat, still holding out his helmet for me.
I grab it from him. The buckle pinches my skin a little as I click it under my chin. I pull the strap as tight as it can go until it’s practically choking me. He swings his leg over the side and motions for me to do the same behind him. I assume this is like the movies and find little pegs for my feet to rest on before wrapping my arms around his waist. I guess we are skipping to the invading each other’s personal space part of this date. Wait,isthis a date? Or just dinner? I consider putting my sweater back on but my chest feels on fire as I lean against him. He yells back to me asking if I’m ready, then kicks up the stand and rolls back the handle once he feels me nod against his back.
We pull onto the street, my brown hair already whipping around the sides of my face. My heart is racing as fast as we are driving, and I don’t even care where we are going. I get the feeling spontaneity is Troy’s thing. It’s unlike me, but I’m already addicted to it. I know it seems contradictory considering it's my dream to travel to a bunch of countries I’ve never been to before, but eventhatI plan to make plans for. I like to know what's going to happen, but not knowing what Troy has planned for us doesn't leave me stressed like I thought it would. It thrills me, and I can see why people find spontaneity appealing. Or maybe it’s the magic of a lime green motorcycle and an extremely attractive man.
Before I have time to guess where we are going based on which streets we’ve turned down, we pull up at a little restaurant that looks like it's been shoved between two bigger ones.
If he didn't move first, I don’t think I would have pulled away from him. Troy swings his leg over his bike, careful not to hit me. He looks back at me and laughs. I can see in the reflection of his helmet that my typically straight brown hair is curly and crazy from the wind, and my face is flushed. He pulls his helmet off, taking mine from me and grabs my hand.
Unconsciously, I lean into his arm and the heat from us touching starts to warm my whole body. I hadn’t realized it was so cold, but the shocking temperature change makes it evident. Looking up, I see the words “Off the Waffle” in green and blue neon letters pinned above the glass doors. We walk in, choosing a seat by the window, and a waitress tosses two menus on the table as she passes by.
Waffles with ice cream on top. That’s what this entire place is, every flavor and combination you can think of. There’s both sweet and savory options such as bacon waffles with maple flavored ice cream and baked cinnamon apples with vanilla bean. I’m always down for ice cream, but I’ve never had it for dinner. If decisions like this is what adulthood was actually about, I’d be signing up much quicker.
Usually, I’m that person who looks up the menu before they go places because I’m terrible at making decisions. I like to be prepared so no one has to wait on me. Between thinking I’m taking too long and my face heating from Troy’s eyes on me as I read through the entire menu, my heart rate accelerates again after it’s only recently calmed down from the ride over here.
I decide, and I’m about to ask Troy what he’s going to have, but our waitress appears at our table again.
“Do you know what you’d like?Troy looks over at me with a small nod, letting me know to go first.
“I’ll have the “Hey Bob,” I reply to her. It has caramelized pears, goat cheese, vanilla ice cream and honey drizzled on top. It’s the “weirdest” one on the menu, but I almost always choose the most unique option and am willing to try anything. I feel a little self conscious with my choice for absolutely no reason as I look up, waiting for Troy to order.