Page 54 of And Then There's You
He offered to fly to Oregon and drive with me, but I didn’t think it made sense. The drive was my last opportunity to be alone, and I thought it would be a good segway into the next phase of my life. But then I ended up talking to Mack for about half of the 13 hour drive since I got tired driving so far.
“I can’t believe you’re finally here!” he says, voicing my thoughts. “I’ll help you get your clothes.” He’s already pulling away from me and heading to the door.
My hand stops him by tugging on his wrist. “I haven’t seen you in like five weeks, Mack. I don’t care about my stuff.” It takes him a second to register what I’m saying before he kicks the front door shut and picks me up again, with that signature grin of his on his face.
None of my things made it in the apartment last night. I let Avery keep all our furniture from the apartment because she has a whole house to fill now, and we don’t need anything else in Mack’s place–our place now. It only takes a little over an hour to get everything carried up and put away in the space Mack emptied out of his closet. This is going to be strange since I’ve only ever lived with Avery, and the past year it felt like I didn’t even do that. Avery is so excited about this move. She’s sad I’m leaving her, but she’s also getting very ahead of herself planning our future as sisters. She and the girls took me out a few nights before I left as a send off party. They all promise someday they will come visit me.
I’m happy I’ll have Lexy here, and she’s excited too. Mack said I’m her only girl friend, so it’ll be great for both of us. I want to make sure I don’t take her friendship for granted by spending all my time with Mack. I’m beyond thrilled we get to be together all the time now, but I’m also a little worried. Some of what I learned in my Psychology of Relationships class really stuck with me, like it’ll be better if both of us have something to do outside of each other. Mack already has music and until I figure out my thing, I know having Lexy around will help. This is such a big step for me. I’m not only moving in with a guy for the first time, but I’m also in a new and unfamiliar place, and I don’t want to be one of those girls who doesn’t have anything to live for besides her boyfriend.
I finish hanging my last shirt as arms wrap around me from behind. I lean back into his shoulder, and it feels so comfortable, like me being here is the right choice. “Are you hungry, babe?” he questions. “I was thinking we could walk over to the café and get lunch.”
Mack orders us two bagel sandwiches and fruit smoothies, and we find a table while we wait. This café is cute. I keep finding myself here, but I’ve never been inside. It’s very modern, mostly stained brown wood and white with sage green accents scattered artistically throughout. The vibe is very California, and I love it. I know Mack comes here regularly, and I won’t mind. I think being a regular somewhere will give me more of that small town feel I know I’ll miss about Oregon.
As I finish scanning the room, a beautiful and petite brunette stops in front of our table with our order. “Oh, hey, Mack!” she exclaims.
“Hey, Abby, this is my girlfriend, Maci. She just moved here.” He grins and squeezes my hand across the table. It’s the first time he has ever introduced me as his girlfriend, and it makes my stomach fill with butterflies.
“About time. Maybe I won't have to hear you going on about her every morning now,” she jokes. “Any chance she needs a job? We need someone to start right away.” They both look at me.
“Actually,” I pause in contemplation. “That would be great!” I don’t have any idea what direction I want my life to go in right now, outside of Mack. It'll take me a while to learn new running routes around here, if I even feel comfortable going on my own. It’s not that I couldn’t read all day or hang out with Lexy, but having something to show up for might be nice. I want to contribute financially, too, though Mack has claimed we would be fine without it. I’m not sure if that's completely true and he just likes to take care of me though. Either way I like this idea, and maybe I can work it out so some of my shifts overlap while he’s gone.
“The real question is, is your opinion on coffee the one thing you and Mack fight about?” Abby laughs, curious.
“Nope, I’m a weirdo too. But I’ve been told I make a cup better than my opinion of it!”
“Perfect, you’re hired! I’ll see you in the morning around 8?”
I nod, squealing with excitement. It’s not that working at a coffee shop is my dream, but everything feels like it’s falling into place, or at the very least, heading in the right direction.
Myfirstdayofwork went well, and Abby already put me on the schedule for next week. Luckily whoever quit was willing to finish out this week so I get to spend my first few days here with Mack before he goes out of town this weekend.
“Ready, babe?” he calls to me from the entryway. I pull on my Asics before meeting him at the door. When I look up, I stop midstep. He’s wearing black basketball shorts, a green Oregon hoodie that matches his eyes, his backward hat, and his guitar is strapped around his back. It’s nothing fancy, but holy shit, he’s sexy. I can’t believe I’m here and that he’s mine. Seriously, why did it take me so long toseehim?
He catches me staring. “What’s wrong? Do I not match or something?” He looks down at himself, concerned.
“Ummm, are you sure we have to go? I’m thinking what would be a better idea….is if we stayed here. But more specifically, in our bed, without your clothes on, clothes that look very good by the way. Totally match.” I start tugging on his wrist.
He smiles, but I can see his hesitation as he considers my offer. “Babe, no! We have plans. I have a surprise! Let’s go!”
“Fiiiineee,” I drag out the word dramatically, and he plants a soft kiss on my lips before I follow him out the door.
“I’m still confused why you brought your guitar on our hike. That thing is your baby, what if a bear eats it?”
“First, you are my baby, and second, there are no bears out here. I’m pretty sure.”
I can tell Mack worries I’ll miss Oregon too much because he keeps comparing California to back home. He planned this hike today for the same reason. It’s a little cold with the breeze closer to the water but after a half hour of walking uphill, I’m warm enough to tie my sweatshirt around my waist. “Are we almost there?!”
When I look up, I’m surprised by the view. I’ve only seen the city parts of California, but this is incredible. We are on a cliff overlooking the ocean. It’s a little scary, but also breathtaking. When I turn back around to say something to Mack, he’s standing back a few feet, looking nervous.
“What’s wrong? Are you afraid of heights? Come here. I’ll hold your hand!”
An uneasy laugh escapes him. “No. Okay well, yeah I am, but that’s not why I’m nervous.” He pauses. “I wrote a new song. I wanted to play it for you.”
“Oooh, that’s exciting! So I’m the first to hear it? I feel so special! Why are you nervous? You sing songs you’ve written literally as your job.”