Page 56 of And Then There's You
“You have no idea.” He squeezes me a little tighter.
Lying in our bed that night, I roll into Mack’s chest as he reaches his arm out, calling me to him. “I’m so in love with you,” he murmurs into my hair before kissing the top of my head.
I smile against his bare chest before leaning up on my elbow. “Oh, well, isn’t that a coincidence because I’m so in love with you.” His green eyes light up. My heart swells in my chest with how happy I am to be here with him. An urge comes over me to put it into words. “You know what I was thinking about today on our hike back?”
“Tell me.” He positions the hand not wrapped around me behind his head, like he’s getting comfortable waiting for me to share a story.
“I was thinking about how crazy it is I moved here, without a plan really. I’m usually big on plans. But for some reason it doesn’t feel crazy. It feels right.”
He smiles. “You might not have known this was a plan, but it was always my plan.”
I shove at his chest playfully. “Hey, it’s not fair. You had more time to think about it.”
“Not my fault you couldn’t tell I wanted you long before you were mine.” His grin widens.
“You’re right. It’s Avery’s fault for keeping you away from me.”
“I blame her for everything.”
“But you should thank her too. She practically forced you on me.”
“That’s true. I guess that wins out, huh?”
“At least we don’t have to waste any more time now. I was also thinking about what you said after graduation. About someday moving home. Do you still want that? Even though I just moved here.”
“Absolutely.” There’s no doubt in his voice. “I love California. I love it even more now that you’re here. But I don’t see us here forever. I see it more as a chapter of our story, ya know?”
“That’s what I was thinking too. I’m excited for this phase and to live in our own Hollywood world. But I’m also excited to settle down, and live in the house you promised me right next to my best friend.”
“So she can babysit for us whenever I want to have my way with you?” he jokes, pulling me on top of him.
I fold my arms on his chest and rest my chin on them. “This really doesn’t freak you out thinking this far into the future, does it?”
“Why would it? You’re it for me, Mace. I’m not going to change my mind about that.”
“Thank you for giving me the chance to realize I feel the same about you.” I lean in to kiss him, thankful every night can be like this.
Peopleandtheircoffeeare a lot here. Oregon is much more laid back and simple. College kids only care about whatever will keep them awake through class. California is all about who can have the most fancy, complicated order and come up with a cool name for it. I find myself rolling my eyes constantly, but the tips make it worth it. Not to mention, I still haven’t figured out how to translate and pursue my desire to help trafficking victims since I took that class. It’s always in the back of my mind, but I’m okay with my relationship being the priority right now, and this job helps me get by.
It’s helpful I’ve been able to pick up extra shifts lately because Mack has been out of town a lot. The first week I was here was perfect, but this past month alone, I’ve only seen him for five or six days. I’m not sure what I expected, or maybe I didn’t fully think about it. I knew he was getting booked at more venues before I decided to move. Even with him being gone, I see him more than I did before, so I shouldn’t complain. But whenever I call him lately, he’s been too busy to talk, and I feel more alone than I thought I would.
Mack(7:37p.m.EST):Hey, baby. Sorry I missed your call again. We’ve been so busy!
Maci (7:38 p.m. EST):It’s okay, how’s it going?
Maci (12:03 a.m. EST):I miss you.
Maci (2:17 a.m. EST):Going to bed, I know you’re probably tired, so maybe you’re already asleep. Just wanted to say I love you.
I’msittingonthecouch scrolling through Netflix when the front door swings open and Mack comes through, his hands full with his guitar and travel bag. He drops everything in the entryway, making his way to me. A kiss presses to the top of my head. “Hi, baby.”
I tip my head back to see him, reaching my arms out for him.