Page 79 of And Then There's You
His fingers tug gently on my hair, already almost dry since the last time I was under the water. “Every day I’ve been here I’ve thought about what it would be like if you were with me. It's surreal to look out onto the water and actually see you. I still can’t believe you’re here.”
I smile and lean into his chest, not having the right words for a response. A few minutes pass. I could easily stay in this moment, standing here in front of a beautiful orange and pink sky, with the quiet lapping of the water on the shore. My stomach, however, isn’t on the same page. I’m not surprised, considering I skipped lunch today. I pull back slightly. “Can we get tacos now?”
“As many as you want.” He grins at me before bending down for my board, tucking it under one arm, looping the other back around my shoulder. When we get to the stand, he pulls away to rinse off my board before setting it back on the rack. “Do you want to rinse off real quick before we get food? There is a shower right behind us.” He asks it as a question, but starts walking off before I answer him.
Behind the hut is a shower surrounded by at least seven foot tall cement walls. It’s almost entirely private with an open space to enter. Dean turns on the water, stepping back, reaching his hand in a few times to test its warmth. When it’s hot enough, he motions for me to go first.
The water flows down my body, and I’m struck by the memory of the first time I was at his house. I was caught off guard when he got in the shower with me, but damn it was hot. Okay, Maci, stop. Get it together. If your mind starts going there, there’s no coming back. Would it really be that bad though? I’m planning on being here for only another day or two. I’m not in a relationship. I’m living in the moment. Yes, I’m living in this moment. Make a decision, and go with it. Before I can make a move, his voice penetrates my thoughts.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?”
Decision made. “Ummm, I was thinking about the first time we showered together…”
He takes an assertive step toward me, backing me into the wall, the water hitting the ground behind both of us now. His hands move to the wall next to either side of my face, his forearms caging me in. “After the first time we had sex.” His recall of the memory is evident on his face, heat apparent in his eyes.
I nod, not being able to focus on finding the right words. His face is so close to mine, it’s almost out of focus. If I barely moved, our lips would brush. My eyes search his, trying to determine if we’ve both made the same decision. One of his hands finds my hips at the tie of my bikini bottoms. He pauses, as if also judging whether or not we are on the same page. My teeth sink into my bottom lip as I wait for his move. Let’s be real, as I hope for it. His other hand moves to the side of my face, sliding into my hair that's half wavy and dried from being in the ocean earlier, and half wet from him pushing me through the shower spray. The moment he closes the gap between us, it’s like electricity shoots through the water. The air around us feels super-charged. There’s no turning back from this. I wouldn’t be able to stop myself if I tried. My mouth parts for his on connection, and his tongue wastes no time melding with mine. I find the back of his neck, pulling him closer. An urgency flows through me, as if I’ve never experienced this before and need to as quickly as possible.
We aren’t even under the stream of warm water, but my body is on fire. My hands fall to his waist, my thumbs gripping the V at the edge of his board shorts. Damn, how could I have forgotten how hot he is.
He pulls back and brushes a wet strand of hair away from my face. Leaning back in, he whispers into my ear, “Did you still want those tacos? We could go right now if you want.” He’s close enough to my face that I can feel his smile.
I shake my head. “Dean. Fuck the tacos.”
“God, I was hoping you’d say that,” he groans.
With his eyes on mine, his hands fall to each hip, simultaneously tugging a string on each side, allowing my bottoms to fall off. I kick them out of the way with one of my feet, my arms looping around his neck.
His forehead presses against mine. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.” I keep my gaze locked into his so he knows I mean it. I don’t think I’ve ever been more sure about anything. I don’t care what happens tomorrow, or the day after, but I’m confident about what I want to happen next.
God, I’m so wet already, and he’s barely touched me. I’m not sure I’ve ever been this turned on in my life. Wait, I say that whenever I’m with him. This guy rocks my world every damn time. His finger slips between my legs and slides in without any friction. My stomach contracts at the sudden contact, making my breath hitch. I almost fall backward but brace myself with my hand. A moan escapes me when his finger hits a sensitive part as he continues to slide in and out, at a much more sensual pace then he ever has. God, it feels good. It’s never enough with him. I tighten around him as the pressure inside me starts to build. I’m so not ready for it to be over.
I pull my hips backward, and he tries to follow me, but I twist slightly to the side. He tenses, and confusion washes over his face. I start tugging on the strings of his shorts and he relaxes, pulling his hands off me to lean back and get a better view of the scene. I take my time running my fingers across his abs, trailing down the V and catching on the edge of his suit. I tug off his shorts, lowering to my knees in the process and placing kisses down the edge of his stomach as his erection springs free and his shorts hit the floor. I wrap my hand around his length, feeling him grow as my tongue swirls around the tip.
Without warning, I take all of him in my mouth. I nearly choke at his size, but it’s worth the hiss that escapes his lips. One hand gripping his hip, and the other softly pressed around his balls, I pull back slowly, running my tongue up the underside before sliding back down. His hands reach out to the wall on either side of him, and the moan coming from above me makes me envision his eyes rolling to the back of his head. No matter how confused he ever made me feel any day in the past, I never questioned whether or not he wanted me in the moment. Right now it feels like I’m all he needs, after all this time, and it’s giving me a rush like I’ve never experienced.
His hand falls to my head, fingers running through my hair and tugging up slightly. I pull back worried I did something wrong all of a sudden. “Babe, I need to feel me inside of you. Like now.”
He helps me up in one graceful pull, pushing me back into the cool cement wall. Our mouths press together and still, as he slowly pushes inside me. It feels like the last piece of a puzzle being pressed into place as tingles shoot through my entire body. His hands press into the wall on either side of my head, and his mouth falls to my neck, kissing gently along my collarbone as he thrusts into me.
His kisses make their way up my neck until he’s close enough to whisper, “I thought I’d never feel you again. I missed you so much.”
My skin heats from his confession. “So have I,” the words tumble out of my mouth without thinking. I must have meant them. I don’t remember missing this lately, missing him, but being in this moment, how could I not? I must have suppressed it. His breath is warm and jagged against my ear and the moment his hand presses into my lower back, I can’t hold off any longer. My orgasm explodes inside me, electrifying every cell. I tighten around him, causing his head to fall back a little, but he grips my waist, holding me close to him.
The look in his eyes is full of so much heat, the breeze hitting my wet skin isn’t even enough to send chills through me. He keeps going, and I pray he doesn’t stop. When I think my orgasm is starting to fade, a second wave of it hits me, and I can hardly keep standing.
He pushes us through our joint wave of ecstasy but doesn’t move away from me once it calms. Our lips lock again, and he deepens our kiss as if he didn’t get enough of what he wanted. When he finally pulls back, he presses his forehead into mine. “God, I can’t believe I was able to walk away from that, from you,” his voice barely above a whisper. I don’t know how to reply, the feelings running through me make me wonder how I ever survived him leaving in the first place. “What else can I do to make you consider staying?” His eyes are filled with hope that the connection I’m now certain he feels is enough to keep me here.
“Can we just be here, right now, and not think about anything else?” As soon as the words leave my mouth, I regret how much they sound like I’m trying to brush off his plea. They don’t convey how I feel about him, or this moment, so I quickly add, “I’ve thought about this moment so many times more than I want to admit, and I’m not ready to leave it.”
The look on his face screams at me that the entire point of his words were to let me know we could replay this moment as many times as we wanted to, but he doesn’t say anything else. I choose to ignore it and lean into him. Wrapping his arms around me, we hold each other, until the sun sinks completely beneath the horizon and his voice breaks through the silence. “Ready for tacos now?”
We find the same table from the first night, and sit, freeing our hands of all the steak tacos we could possibly hold. I’m hardly sitting before I shove half of one into my mouth, so unladylike, but I don’t care. I’m starving. We haven’t eaten all day between being out on the water and our detour on the way here. I glance up. Dean is leaned back in his seat so far it’s teetering on the back two legs, his arms folded across his chest and a grin plastered on his face as he stares back at me.
“What?” I demand, after I’ve swallowed enough of my taco.
“Nothing, you’re cute. And I’m glad you’re here.”