Page 17 of Claiming Hannah
“Sure, thanks,” Hannah said, perfectly content to stay put.
After he’d gone, both women took a mug of steaming tea and a scone. Hannah bit into hers. Her eyes fluttered closed with pleasure as the moist, lemony cake and fresh blueberries filled her mouth.
“Whoa,” she enthused between bites. “I’m not much of a scone person, but this is the best scone I’ve ever had in my life.”
“Right?” Lucia agreed. “I could live on these.”
They ate and sipped their tea in companionable silence. Then Lucia said, “Enough about The Enclave. Tell me about your experience tonight, Hannah. I got kind of, uh, distracted during the session so I wasn’t paying a whole lot of attention to your scene. Though,” she added with a smile and a lift of her brows, “I did notice you were having a pretty intense time there at the end.”
“Uh, yeah, you could say that,” Hannah said dryly, though she, too, was smiling.
“Was the flogging what you’d expected?”
“The flogging was great,” Hannah said, her skin tingling at the memory. “I absolutely loved that part. There was a while there where it was almost too much, and then it just…wasn’t anymore. It’s hard to explain.”
“No explanation necessary,” Lucia assured her. “We speak the same erotic language. From what I’ve learned from my own experience and in working with the submissives here, we don’t experience erotic pain the same way vanilla folks do. It hurts, sure. But it’s a welcome pain—a necessary pain. I think of it as a completion of a circuit. It’s a craving that’s sometimes indistinguishable from necessity.”
“Oh, I like that,” Hannah enthused, her writer’s brain engaged by Lucia’s evocative description. “Can I quote you on that?”
Lucia laughed, flushing ever so slightly. “Sure. You can put me in one of your books. I would love that. I’ve always thought The Enclave would make a great setting for an Angelique Rose novel. Of course, you’d have to change the location and the names of the characters. We value our privacy.”
“That would be amazing,” Hannah replied, instantly excited by the idea. In order to give it justice, she’d need to understand the ins and outs of the whole setup. She’d need to spend a significant amount of time there, observing, taking notes…participating?
While she did not see herself applying for a position as a slave in training, would they allow her to participate in a less intense fashion? Would she find the courage to experiment with more intensive forms of impact play?
Okay. Enough cart before the horse. She needed to stay where her feet were.
Lucia brought her back to the moment. “I didn’t know the guys were going to switch out. Were you okay with that? Were you okay with Master Mason giving you that orgasm?”
“I think so,” Hannah replied, still not entirely sure. “I definitely wasn’t expecting it. But maybe that was a good thing. I was just in the moment, you know? That flogger, the wrist cuffs, his hand between my legs.” Her entire body tingled at the memory. “That’s all there was. No past, no future. Just that moment in time.”
“You were in the zone,” Lucia said with a smile. “If it’s not too personal a question, was this your first time with another man since your husband passed away?”
Hannah chuckled as she glanced at the naked woman beside her. “I think we’ve moved way past ‘too personal.’ And yes, it was. You’re probably going to think I’m some kind of nun or freak or something, but Andy was the first, last and only guy I’ve ever been with.”
Lucia smiled. “Not at all. Miguel was my first and only until we became Master and slave. Once we got heavily into the lifestyle, Miguel sometimes gave me away to other Doms. It was scary at first, but I trusted Miguel and so I went along.”
“Really?” Hannah squeaked, shocked in spite of herself. “I can’t even imagine.”
Lucia shrugged. “You’d be amazed what you’re willing to do for your Master, when you’ve truly given yourself to him. Once I got over theshyness and shock of being with another Dom, I was able to revel in the absolutesubmissionof the situation. Master Miguel enjoyed sharing me with his like-minded friends from time to time. His wish was not only my command, but my deepest pleasure.”
“He wasn’t jealous?” Hannah asked, trying to imagine such a situation in her own marriage.
Lucia shook her head. “He had no reason to be, because he knew I belonged solely to him—my heart, body and soul were his to command. If he gave me away for an hour or a day, it was because it pleased him to do so and that, by extension, pleased me. I knew he would always keep me safe. I literally trusted him with my life.” She leaned toward Hannah with a conspiratorial smile. “But it was about more than just submission. It was also sexy, daring and thrilling in its own right. It was fun.”
Lucia’s expression was playful, even a touch sly. This was a strong woman, Hannah realized. Submission did not equal weakness—not by a long shot.
“Please excuse me for going on about myself for so long. Let’s talk more about your first scene here at The Enclave. Master Mason did step over the line, but was it okay for you? I don’t mean the physical pleasure—clearly that was good.” She flashed a grin. “But the whole idea of another man doing that—someone other than your husband, and in such a public venue.”
Hannah took another sip of tea as she gathered her thoughts. “I still haven’t entirely figured that part out yet,” she admitted. “It really caught me by surprise. I just assumed it was still Anthony behind me, which was weird in its own right. But then I wasn’t thinking about who was touching me. It was just so mind-blowingly intense, when coupled with the erotic pain of the flogging. I mean, I feel disloyal admitting this, much less saying it out loud, but I never had such a powerful orgasm with Andy.”
“I get it,” Lucia said, her eyes kind. “And you shouldn’t be hard on yourself because of that. You loved your husband—it’s clear on your face and in your eyes when you talk about him. The fact that you had a chance tonight to connect with that part of you that is hardwired for BDSM doesn’t diminish the love the two of you shared. Nor should you let that love, or, more accurately, any guilty feelings you may have as a result,diminish the power of what happened tonight.”
Hannah snorted. “Powerful for me, maybe. For Mason it was just another quicky scene he did as a favor to Anthony. He couldn’t get out of there fast enough.”
“I can see why you might feel that way. But if you knew Master Mason like I do, you’d be nothing short of amazed at what happened during that scene. It was a small miracle, in my opinion.”
Hannah wrinkled her nose in confusion. “Huh? How so?”