Page 31 of Claiming Hannah
Hannah sat gingerly on the cushioned chair, her bottom still smarting from the spanking. Setting down his mug, Anthony turned back to the table. Pulling the laptop closer, he angled it so they could both view the screen.
“What we have here is our basic, boilerplate slave contract. It’s safe to say this goes beyond the scope of the experience I think you’re looking for. For example, our slave trainees are expected to be naked at all times. You will, of course, have that option, but it won’t be a requirement.”
“Phew,” she muttered. The thought of parading around naked with all those perfect-bodied slaves made her break out in a cold sweat.
He regarded her with a faintly amused expression. Returning his attention to his laptop, he said, “That said, we will require some modification in your daily attire. Specifically, you may not wear pants, underwear or bras at any time while you reside here at The Enclave. During sessions and scenes in which you are actively participating, you will be required to strip completely. It’s not only a sign of your totalsubmission, it’s necessary for impact play and other types of training. Is that going to be a problem, Hannah?”
Hannah bit her lower lip as she struggled with the question. She’d managed to strip for her virgin scene Friday night and she hadn’t died in the process. Nevertheless, the thought of baring her less-than-perfect body again was still mildly terrifying.
But what did she really have to be afraid of? Nudity was common practice at The Enclave, and absolutely not a big deal. It was a sign of submission, and one she needed to learn to embrace.
“No, Sir,” she replied, striving for a resolute tone but not sure she’d succeeded.
Anthony smiled. “Good girl. Remove your bra and hand it to me.”
Heat immediately rushed into Hannah’s face, belying her resolve of a moment before. Getting to her feet, she reached behind herself, trying to get at her bra from the neck of the dress. It wasn’t happening. Not knowing what else to do, she reached under the hem of her dress, twisting away from Anthony as she did so.
Somehow she managed to get the damn thing off without contorting too much, though she was pretty sure she’d flashed her butt at him in the process. Finally, turning back to face him, she placed her bra on the tabletop and sank back down into the chair.
He cocked a brow. “I didn’t say put it on the table,” he said in a mild but firm voice. “I said hand it to me.”
Embarrassed, she grabbed the bra and held it out to him. He took it without comment and draped it casually over the back of his chair. Then he pointed to the computer screen.
“This part here is standard slave contract language that gives you an idea of what training typically includes.”
Hannah crossed her arms over her chest to hide her nipples, which were poking insistently against the thin fabric of her sundress. Wishing she had her reading glasses, she leaned forward, squinting, and read:
I promise complete obedience to the Dominants at The Enclave, and/or to whomsoever they deem appropriate. This includes, but is not limited to, allowing myself to be whipped, chained, suspended, caned, cropped, paddled, spanked, gagged, clamped and plugged. I further agree to submit to various types of edge play, including needle and knife play.
As property of The Enclave, I agree to submit sexually in whatever way pleases my owners. This includes oral, vaginal and anal sex of every variety.
Every Dominant at The Enclave is my Master or Mistress for the duration of my stay. They are free to use, train and punish me as they see fit, with the clear understanding that they will always keep me safe from harm.
Hannah’s eyes widened as she read, her breath catching in her throat. Plugged? As in anal plug? No, thank you. Oral, vaginal and anal sex of every variety? Not even if gorgeous Master Julian were straight. Needle and knife play? No way.
Had she made a huge mistake in signing on for this?
“I can see from your expression this is a bit overwhelming for you,” Anthony said, placing a hand lightly on her arm. “I show you this not to frighten you, but to give you a glimpse into what our actual slave trainees sign up for.”
“Okay,” she said, relieved but still uncertain.
“I’ve taken the liberty of modifying the contract to accommodate a more limited scope. You let me know if anything here is objectionable to you. But I would caution you—don’t balk just because something is new or scary. This experience by its nature will be new, and yes, sometimes itwill be scary. But I believe, if you can trust in both us and in yourself, it will be worthwhile.”
“Okay,” she repeated, feeling more confident now. These guys were pros. And she wanted this—she’d practically begged for the chance. “Thank you,” she added, touching the collar around her neck.
“My pleasure,” Anthony replied with a smile. “Now, as to the terms. First, some basic protocol. You will always address the Dominants here as Master or Mistress, Sir or Ma’am.”
I already learned that lesson, Hannah thought with chagrin, her bottom still stinging from Lawrence’s hard palm.
“During your one-on-one training sessions, you will only speak when spoken to, or if you first ask for permission to speak and it is granted. You will sleep in the slave quarters along with the other trainees, but you will not be chained to the bed, unless of course you wish to be. You will be permitted use of your electronics, but only during your free time down in the quarters.”
Hannah nodded her agreement.
“You will work with various Dominants to get exposure to different styles and training techniques. You will learn to handle all sorts of impact play but, because this is a modified program, you may choose from our various options, rather than being expected to submit to any and all of them.”
“Okay,” Hannah agreed. “That sounds good.”
Anthony frowned. “I suggest you beginnowwith proper protocol.”