Page 35 of Claiming Hannah
Oddly, she was. It felt good, somehowright, to have her arms once again extended overhead. Her captive position freed her from having to concentrate on standing still or worrying about her posture. The position gave her the added bonus of lifting her breasts, momentarily defying the gravity of forty-four years and two babies.
“Yes, Sir,” she replied, feeling empowered despite her bound position, or maybe because of it.
Mason looked up at the light tap on his doorframe. The girl with the pink spiky hair stood there. Hannah guessed her to be around five foot one, tops. She was slender but still curvaceous. Her breasts were firm and round. The nipples were pencil-eraser perfect and, surprisingly, given all her other piercings, appeared to be intact. She had a BDSM triskelion tattooed in black ink on her smooth mons and a multicolored snake curving around one hip.
The punk hair, tattoos and multiple piercings—an eyebrow hoop, a diamond nose stud and a constellation of tiny gold hoops rimming the perimeter of each ear—gave her a tough-girl look.
“Come in, Lia,” Mason said. As the girl stepped into the room, he gestured toward Hannah. “Don’t know if you’ve met Hannah or not. She’s here as an observer.” He flashed a smirk in Hannah’s direction. “At least for now.”
Lia’s gaze flickered toward Hannah and then away again. There was something stiff in her bearing, almost sullen. She refocused on Mason.
“Wait upposition,” he said brusquely.
Lia at once straightened her back and stood with her legs slightly apart, her wrists crossed above her head. She stared directly at Mason, something defiant in her gaze. He must have noticed it too, because he barked, “Eyes straight ahead, slave.”
Lia shifted her gaze so that it landed on Hannah. Hannah stared back, fascinated by this young woman, who didn’t seem the least bit nervous about what surely awaited her. Her eyes were an unusual shade of brown—a kind of amber copper blend, and her mouth was a perfect cupid’s bow.
Mason went over to the worktable and returned to Lia holding a box filled with single-use hypodermic needles capped with pale green plastic hubs.
“How’re you with needles?” Mason asked the girl.
She eyed the box impassively. “Bring ’em on.” She had a low, slightly raspy voice, incongruous with her waif-like form.
All at once, Mason slapped the girl across the face, making Hannah gasp in shock. “Address me properly or this stops right now and you spend the rest of the day in a cage.” He didn’t sound angry, but his tone was firm.
Lia’s cheek was red from his slap, but she didn’t appear the least bit cowed. Her nipples had stiffened and engorged to dark red cherries. “Yes, Master Mason, Sir,” she said without inflection.
Turning away from her, Mason went back to the worktable. He picked up one of the needles and tore off its plastic wrapping. He returned to Lia and gripped one of her nipples, pulling it taut. “Bring ’em on, eh? So you’re cool with me sticking this needle right through your pretty little nipple?”
Hannah was close enough to see Lia’s pupils dilate. There was a hungry look in her eyes. Lia wanted to feel the sharp prick of that needle.
“Yes, please, Master Mason, Sir,” the girl said, her tone now eager.
He took a step back and pointed to his black boots. “Get on your knees and lick my boots like you mean it.”
Lia’s eyes flashed. She didn’t move. Hannah held her breath, tensing in her bonds.Come on, she urged silently.Don’t get yourself punished again.
With obvious reluctance, the girl lowered herself to her knees in front of Mason. Hannah watched with fascination as the girl’s pink tongue brushed against the scuffed leather toes of Mason’s boots. After what seemed like a full minute, but was probably less than half that, Mason gripped a handful of the girl’s pink hair and jerked her upright.
“Lie on the bondage table faceup so I can strap you down,” he commanded.
Lia hopped up onto the table and lay flat against the paper. Mason reached for wide leather straps attached to the bondage table. He drew them across Lia’s torso and thighs, immobilizing her.
He busied himself for a moment at the worktable, first pulling on a pair of surgical gloves, and then unwrapping a number of the needles. He placed them neatly on a small tray. Returning to Lia, he swabbed her nipples and areolas with antiseptic wipes.
He glanced at Hannah. “You good over there?”
“Yes, Sir,” Hannah replied, unable to drag her gaze from all those sharp needles.
“You’re lucky, Lia,” Mason said, turning his attention back to the girl. “I wasn’t especially impressed with your rather pathetic show of submission just now. But I’m going to go ahead with the needle play for our newbie’s edification.”
He turned back to Hannah. “Your job is to watch and learn. Don’t look away. Don’t close your eyes. Got it?”
Hannah swallowed hard, not sure she was up to this after all. “Yes, Sir,” she croaked, her mouth suddenly dry.
She watched in horrified fascination as he slipped the tip of a needle into the delicate areola around Lia’s left nipple. Lia winced, but then sighed, the sound sexual to Hannah’s ears. When the needle was about halfway in, he slid a second needle into the flesh just beside the first. He worked quickly and methodically until there was a ring of green plastic hubs around the poor girl’s nipple.
Hannah’s own nipples throbbed in sympathy. Her knees felt a little wobbly, and she was glad of the cuffs holding her upright. He made quick work of the second nipple, ringing it like the first.