Page 62 of Claiming Hannah
But then he started touching her again. He stroked her breasts and let his hands trail down her abdomen. Instead of cupping her cunt, as she’d hoped he would, he again stroked her sides. It still tickled, but this time she managed to stay still and quiet.
“Good girl,” he murmured.
He continued to run his hands lazily over her body, leaving trails of electricity and desire sparking along her skin. As he touched her, he dipped his head and again sucked her nipples into his mouth, one at a time. Hannah moaned softly, clasping her fingers together on her head to keep from reaching for him.
When he finally released her, her legs were trembling, her heart beating high in her throat, her cunt throbbing. He took a step back and looked her up and down, his tongue appearing on his lower lip. His cock still bobbed between them.
“You’re beautiful,” he said, his eyelids hooding.
A flush of pleasure and confusion heated Hannah’s entire body. With all those gorgeous, twentysomething naked slave girls running around The Enclave, how astounding that he foundherbeautiful as well. At the same time, a part of her instantly wanted to point out the soft pouch of her post-baby tummy, and the pale silver stretch marks that still remained just above her mons, not to mention the cellulite on her butt.
She looked away from his sweeping gaze. He gripped her chin lightly,forcing her face back to his.
“I want you, Hannah,” he said in a low, sexy voice. “I respect your hard limits, and I won’t violate them. But will you lie down with me? I want to hold you in my arms.”
“Yes,” she heard herself whisper before she could stop herself. “Yes, Sir.”
Chapter 26
Mason put his arm around Hannah’s waist as he walked her into the bedroom. His rational mind advised him that what he was doing wasn’t the best idea. But the rest of him told his rational mind to shut the fuck up. He wanted what he wanted, damn it. And she did too. He saw it in her eyes; he felt it in her tremble.
When they got to the bed, he threw back the covers and lay down, drawing her down beside him. The air in the room was cooler than the steamy bathroom, and Hannah shivered as he pulled her closer against his body.
Wrapping his arms around her, he lightly kissed the top of her head. She snuggled into him, hiding her face in his chest. It felt good to hold her. His arms had been empty for too long. He rocked her gently in his embrace, sensing how much she, too, needed the physical touch of another.
It would be so easy to take her lovely face in his hands and claim her mouth with his. He wanted to do more than just kiss her. He imagined rolling her onto her back, spreading her legs and plunging inside her wet, tight heat. Or taking her from behind, easing into her tight virgin ass while teasing her sopping cunt with his fingers until she screamed with pleasure…
His cock throbbed. How tempting to grab a handful of her thick, soft hair, using it to guide her head down over his shaft. He wouldn’t let her up until she’d milked every last drop and then licked his balls clean.
As if privy to his fantasies, Hannah lifted her head, meeting his gaze with a tentative smile. He could feel the rapid patter of her heart against his side. She looked so sweetly nervous, and yet her lips had parted, as if for a kiss, or a cock…
She wanted it. She wanted him.
And he wanted her, in the worst way.
With a growl, he rose on his elbow and pushed her easily onto her back. She gasped, her eyes widening with fear that only made his cock get harder. Hard limits be damned. He wanted what he wanted, damn it.
Fisting his cock, he lifted himself over her.
“Mason,” Hannah cried, twisting out from beneath him. “What’re you doing?”
Her words were like a sucker punch to the gut.
What the hellwashe doing?
Hannah wasn’t his lover. She was a trainee. And he’d promised her very clearly only moments before that all he wanted to do was to hold her.
“I’m sorry,” he rasped, his voice hoarse with barely suppressed lust. He rolled away from her and swung his legs over the side of the bed. Getting to his feet, he wrestled himself firmly back under control.
He glanced at his watch, ignoring his damned erection, which had yet to flag. Crouching down, he reached under the bed. As he pulled out the sleep mat, he silently cursed himself for his loss of control. The look on her face when he’d risen above her—it had been pure fear. If any desire had lingered beneath that fear, he’d seen no evidence of it.
No way was he going to force himself on someone. If and when he claimed Hannah, she’d be the one to beg him for it.
Getting back to his feet, he held out a hand to his trainee, who was regarding him with a quizzical, confused look.
“Come on,” he said, pointing to her mattress. “It’s time for bed.”
Hannah sat up slowly, frowning. “What just happened, Mason?”