Page 64 of Claiming Hannah
Hannah’s pulse instantly flipped into overdrive at his words. She followed nervously as he led her like an animal through the empty living room and up the stairs to his suite. Once inside, he brought her to the dungeon area and unclipped the leash.
“I should tell you, I was impressed and pleased that you didn’t ruleout knife play on your hard limits list. Based on your progress so far, I think you’re ready to experience my blades firsthand.”
Hannah’s mouth went suddenly dry, a spurt of adrenaline chilling her blood. She wrapped her arms protectively around her torso. Had she been a total idiot to uncheck that box?
As if sensing her trepidation, Mason cupped her cheek, his smile gentle. “Do you trust me, Hannah?” he asked in a low, sexy growl.
Did she?
So far, he hadn’t taken her anywhere she didn’t ultimately want to go, however difficult it had been sometimes. He knew so much more about all of this than she did. So, yes. She trusted him.
“Yes, Sir,” she replied, pleased her voice sounded reasonably steady. “But I’m scared,” she added in a whisper.
“A little fear can be a good thing for a submissive. It adds a powerful dimension as you work past the fear to embrace the experience. I have faith in you, Hannah. You can do this.” His lips quirked in a smile. “And this particular scene might be the first one where you’re actuallysubmitting, versus simply living out some of your erotic fantasies.”
Hannah instantly bristled at that remark. At the same time, she couldn’t deny the truth of it. She was surprised Mason had intuited it, though she probably shouldn’t have been. He was a highly trained Dom, after all.
Mason smiled a knowing smile. “That’s what I thought,” he said, as if he’d been listening in on her thoughts. He clapped his big hands together. “Now, up you go.” He pointed to the bondage table. “Lie down on your back so I can strap you in place.”
Praying she wasn’t making a huge mistake, Hannah hoisted herself onto the padded table. She lay back, heart hammering despite her resolve.
Mason stretched her arms overhead and strapped her wrists into cuffs at the top corners of the table. He did likewise with her ankles. Finally, he brought a wide leather strap across her abdomen.
She felt deliciously vulnerable and sexy, bound and spread-eagled, awaiting the erotic torture her Master had in store for her. Her nipples stiffened, her sex pulsing gently between her legs.
Turning from her, Mason went to the wardrobe. When he came back to her, he held a wooden box. Angling it so she could see the contents, he opened the box. Six very sharp knives were nestled in velvet grooves.
Hannah’s breath caught in her throat as she ogled the blades. Ice trickled down her spine. If she hadn’t been lying down, she might have passed out on the spot. “No. No, I’m sorry, Sir,” she blurted before she could stop herself. “I can’t do this.”
“Of course you can. All you have to do is let go.” His expression gentled. “I have faith in you, Hannah. Have faith in yourself.”
A small voice in her head was getting louder, warning her this was a mistake. But as she stared into those deep gray-green eyes, Hannah felt the Dom’s power settle like a net over her. He wanted this for her. He knew what he was doing. She needed to trust him.
“Yes, Sir,” she said. “I’ll try.”
“That’s my girl,” Mason enthused. Closing the lid of the box, he set it at the end of the bondage table just below her feet. He went to the wardrobe again and this time returned with a hank of thin rope.
He smiled down at her, his eyes glinting with power. “You have such lovely breasts. I’m going to bind them so they make a nice offering for my blades.”
Hannah’s stomach swooped unpleasantly at his words.No blood play, she reminded herself.He won’t cut you.
At least not on purpose.
Fuck.Not helpful, Hannah.
He worked quickly, expertly twisting the rope in a crisscross pattern over and around her breasts. When he was done, they were bunched together, her nipples poking up like cherries on top of snowballs. It wasn’t painful, just very, very snug.
Mason took a step back, his eyes sweeping over her body as his tongue moved sensually over his upper lip. “You look so beautiful bound like that.” He reached toward the box he’d left at her feet. She watched with wide eyes as he removed a knife and stepped closer so she could see the blade. Its sharp edge glittered in the light. Leaning over her, he touched the flat of the blade to her cheek. She squeaked involuntarily, her eyes squeezing shut.
“Open your eyes,” Mason commanded.
Hannah obeyed as she tried to catch her breath.
His voice deepened as he stared into her eyes. “You are completely at my mercy now, Hannah. You do understand that I’m going to do just exactly what I want to you. You no longer have the slightest say in the matter.”
Hannah understood intellectually that he was employing classic Dom mind-fuckery. She’d done it herself, many times, in her novels. It had seemed super sexy as a fantasy. But in reality? It was downright terrifying.
She was frozen in place, unable even to draw a breath. At the same time, her body tightened with arousal. Lucia’s words came back to her:“Don’t quit before the miracle.”