Page 11 of Slow Burn
The damn woman cut me off by slapping a hand over my mouth, hard. “Just a few minutes. We’ll call you back in.”
Deva looked like she wanted to object. Hell,Iwanted to object—for totally different reasons, of course—but she reluctantly rose to her feet and shuffled out of the room, the door closing with a soft snick behind her.
“What the hell are you doing?” I hissed between clenched teeth.
“You have to hire that girl.”
My jaw dropped open so fast it was a miracle it didn’t smack against the ground at my feet.
“Have you lost your mind?” Gage admonished, speaking the words currently floating through my own head.
“That,” I said, pointing at my brother-in-arms. “What he said. You’ve gone crazy. I blame Callum,” I accused. “What? Did he fuck the common sense right out of you?”
Aurora’s glare was so frigid, I worried my balls were going to freeze and break off. “No, but I’d be happy to beat the life out of you, if you talk to me like that again.”
Shame sat in my gut like a lead weight. “Fuck, I’m sorry, gorgeous. That was a shitty thing to say, and I’m an asshole for saying it.”
She crossed her arms over her chest. “Yeah, it was and you are. But you’re forgiven.” She jabbed a finger in my face. “This time. But it happens again, your body will never be found. You understand me?”
Christ, she could be scary as hell when she wanted to be.
I drew an X over my heart and held my hand in the air. “Never again. You have my word.”
“Now that Aurora’s not contemplating pulling Laeth’s spine out through his mouth, maybe she can explain why she thinks hiring this woman would be a good idea,” Gage suggested.
“I’ve heard of those Enlightened people,” she started. “And there’s a ton of speculation, but no actual proof they’re a cult.”
It was a weak argument, and she knew it by the flat looks she was getting from Jensen, Gage, and me.
“That doesn’t mean I should let her be responsible for taking care of my own son,” I argued.
“No, but, well...” She shifted from foot to foot. “I don’t really know how to explain it. I know this will sound ridiculous, but I get a good feeling from that girl.”
“I do too,” Shane added. “My gut is telling me we’ve got our girl.”
“And I’m supposed to make this life-changing decision on your gut feeling?” I asked in bewilderment.
“Not just ours,” Lark said, throwing her hat in the ring with the other two crazy women. “Myra is a fantastic judge of character. She wouldn’t have sent Deva here unless she was absolutely certain she was perfect for the job. And babysitting since she was ten?” She bugged her eyes out. “That’s a ridiculous age. Way too damn young, but it means she’s more qualified than half the applicants we’ve seen so far.”
Shane crossed her arms over her chest and hit me with a glower. “Most of that half being the women in town you’ve slept with and the rest the ones who came in because they wantto get between your sheets but haven’t yet.”
“I’m not that bad,” I declared with offense.
All eyes in the room came to me just then, each and every one telling me I was full of shit.
“And something tells me that woman isn’t exactly your type,” Aurora added.
I let out a snort. “No argument there.”
“And I don’t think she’s got a lick of interest in you either,” she continued.
My shoulders squared and my brows furrowed, my pride taking that hit. “Okay, ouch.”
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “Please, like your ego needs stroking. If anything, I’d say it needs a break from it,” she said with an arched brow and made me chuckle despite the heavy situation. “I think you should hire her because I think she meant it when she promised your son would always be safe with her. But also, because this job would be her ticket out of a bad situation. I think it could be a win-win for you both.”
I lifted my hand and scrubbed at my face, the feeling of utter exhaustion I’d been living with for the past month weighing heavily on my shoulders.
“Fine, I’ll give her a shot.” I pinne