Page 27 of Slow Burn
“Well, little bug,” I said to Cash, pasting a smile on my face. “It’s just me and you.” He watched me curiously, waiting to see what I was going to do.
If only he knew, I didn’t have the first clue either.
By the timeI walked through the glass doors and into Elite Security, the headache I’d woken up with was thrumming so bad behind my eyeballs I could feel my pulse in them. No amount of coffee on earth was going to be enough to pick me up.
“Morning,” Willow greeted sunnily from her place behind the reception desk.
My response was to grunt as I yanked my sunglasses off and stormed through the front lobby to my office.
“Looks like someone pissed in his Cheerios this morning,” Lark murmured not so under her breath, and the two of them giggled at my expense.Devil Women.
“Bet neither of you will be talking shit when I fire your asses,” I grumbled over my shoulder at them.
The evil women burst into laughter at my threat, knowing I was completely full of it. Not only would my two partners kill me if I did that, the company would implode. It onlylookedlike we did the hard part of this job to those on the outside. Truth was, we wouldn’t be able to function without Willow and Lark, and they both knew it, meaning they had us over a fucking barrel.
Damn it.
“You guys are the worst,” I called out before stepping into my office and slamming the door behind me.
Dropping down into my chair, I squeezed my eyes closed and let my head fall back on a heavy sigh as I pinched the bridge of my nose. The morning had been a fucking disaster. My son’s new nanny wasn’t supposed to be a smoke show, for Christ’s sake, and sheabsolutelywasn’t supposed to make my dick hard, but all that wild red hair, those sinful curves, and the way she kept calling mesirhad every drop of blood in my body centering in my dick.
I had no business whatsoever thinking about those big, expressive eyes that revealed every single emotion she was feeling or the blush that rose in her cheeks. For fuck’s sake, she looked like Bambi after first discovering his mother was shot. How the hell did that deer in the headlights look work so goddamn well? AndChrist, I had no idea she had such full, pink, pouty lips. It wasn’t rational by any stretch, but my reaction was to be pissed the hell off that I had the control of a teenager seeing his first pair of tits when it came to the woman. Like it was somehow her fault she ended up being sexy as fuck.
My door opened without so much as a knock, my business partners barging in without an invite.
“Morning, sunshine,” Jensen greeted with a shit-eating grin on his face. It was way too damn early for this.
I forced my eyes open. “Nice of you to knock, assholes. Now get the hell out. I’ve got work to do.”
Gage—never one for a lot of words if they weren’t necessary—chuckled behind his coffee cup, the fucker.
The two of them shared a smug look, getting too much joy out of my misery. “Shouldn’t you be in a better mood this morning, seeing as your new nanny was supposed to start today?” he snapped before I could get a word in edgewise. “Unless your ugly ass scared her off and she bailed on you.”
“Ha ha, dick. Shane realize yet she can do a hell of a lot better than you?”
“Joke’s on you. I’ve got her brainwashed so she’ll never know the truth.”
Fuck my fucking life.
“Something I can help you jackasses with?” I snapped, hoping to get this moving. The faster they said why they were here, the sooner they could get out and leave me the hell alone.
“We just wanted to see how everything worked out with the nanny this morning,” Gage said with a smirk. “Guessin’ since you stormed in here lookin’ like warmed over dog shit, it’s not gonna work out. You already run her off?”
“Bet you a hundred he already fucked her,” Jensen said.
The two of them laughed like the pricks they were, while my back shot straight at the implication I’d done something to send Deva packing the very first morning.
“I’ll have you shitheads know that everything with the new nanny is just fine.” That was a lie, of course. I’d been seriously considering telling her it wasn’t going to work when I got home later tonight, but there was no chance of that happening now. I wasn’t going to give these smug sons of bitches the satisfaction. “And I haven’t fucked her either, asshole.”
Gage scoffed. “Only because she’s not his type.”
God, if they only knew.