Page 74 of Slow Burn
In my blood.
I felt exhilarated and exhausted at the same time. Giddy and worn out. I felt like I was floating while also feeling pinned to the earth by a soft, cozy, weighted blanket.
Laeth swaggered out of the bathroom after having disposed of the condom, completely at ease with his nakedness as he moved toward the bed.
I’d been withthat. I’d had that magnificent... cock inside me. That powerful, beautiful man had hovered over me, around me, as he made me feel things I couldn’t have possibly fathomed.
I twisted my head, burying my face in the pillow I was curled around to hide the goofy smile stretching across my face. Asecond later, the bed dipped under Laeth’s weight, and I let out a startled squeak when his arms circled around me and yanked me across the bed, flipping me onto my back and brushing the hair out of my face.
“Fucking love these dimples,” he said, his finger tracing the divots in my cheeks. “What’s got you all smiley?”
“I just feel really... good,” I confessed. “Freakishly good, actually.”
His brows raised, his lips curving into a smile that made my core tingle. “Freakishly, huh?”
The smile fell and concern marred his handsome features as he asked, “I didn’t hurt you, did I? I wasn’t too rough?”
God, this man.
“You were perfect,” I whispered, reaching up to trace a finger through the scruff on his jaw. I loved how it felt as it abraded the skin at my neck and cheeks when he kissed me. “Absolutelyperfect.”
He lowered himself, burying his face in the crook of my neck, and I didn’t think I’d ever get tired of him doing that. “Good, baby,” he said quietly.
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt more tired in all my life. It feels like I spent a week at the gym.”
His body shook on a low chuckle. “Then sleep, Deva. We have more to talk about, but it can wait until morning.”
I had a feeling I knew what he wanted to discuss, and as much as I didn’t want to get into the story of those scars, I knew that wasn’t reasonable. We’d reached the point of no return. He needed my whole truth, and I needed his, specifically, the reason behind those nightmares.
He thought he was better at hiding them, but I knew they still happened somewhat regularly. They never failed to wake me up, and every time one did, I’d tiptoe across the house, standing athis bedroom door like a sentry, ready to come in and wake him up if he got stuck. Ready to protect him however I could.
But as he’d just said, that was for tomorrow.
“Um...” I was hit with a wave of nerves. The adrenaline rush was over, the lust had been tempered—for the time being, at least—and I was suddenly unsure about what came next. “Should I go back to my own room?”
He grunted, his arms growing tighter. “Not a fucking chance,” he rumbled in my ear. “You could try, but I’d drag you right back here.”
“O-okay,” I whispered, another silly smile pulling at my mouth.
He shifted us then, moving me around like I was light as air. It was an incredible feeling, especially given how Agnes had always gone out of her way to make me feel like I was fat.
He positioned us so his chest was against my back, his legs curled behind mine, and his heavy, strong arm resting around my middle. I felt utterly safe, cocooned in his warmth and strength.
I was starting to doze, feeling like I was floating on a cloud when my eyes shot open on a thought, and I flew up to sitting.
“Oh, crap! The dinner!
I wokewith a jolt to the sound of something crashing in the kitchen.
“Laeth,” I whispered, panic setting in when I reached across the bed and felt nothing but cold sheets. I sat up, holding the sheet to my breasts and brushing the tangle of wild hair out of my face as I looked around the room. The bathroom door was cracked open, the light off. He wasn’t in here.
The blinds were closed, but I could see the pinkish-orange of early morning sunlight starting to drift through the slats. A quick glance at the clock showed it was just after six in the morning.
Another bang sounded from down the hallway, quickly followed by a mumbled stream of curses that could only belong to one person.