Page 55 of Sinful Vows
“Exactly.” She holds her hands up. “Yet these same hands have been all over your body and—”
“All right.” I can’t bear to hear her say anything more out loud. “I am mad at you, love. You should have told me.”
“You’re right. I was conflicted. I have Sadie to think about. Telling you was on the tip of my tongue every day.”
“Until I asked you to put that tongue on my cock every night.” I can’t help it, when now, every thought is about consuming her in my bed again.
“The days went by quickly. The storm. The house falling apart around us. Taking care of Sadie. And then you told me about your…problem.”
I squeeze my eyes shut. “Right.”
“Knowing Callum is Sadie’s father changed things for me.” Darcy paces. “Although, I still don’t see how Sadie is his. I stopped getting my period after I was with you.”
“I have no answer for that. I’m not a doctor, love.”
“Anyway.” She shakes her head. “If I told you I was adopted and didn’t have precious Quinlan blood flowing through my veins, you’d have left me there to risk Callum finding out about Sadie.”
“That’s not true.” Just thinking of that asshole anywhere near Sadie again makes my blood boil. I tent my fingers in front of my face. It’s suddenly very clear to me. “I’m calling Kieran tomorrow. I’ll set up a time for you to meet him. We’re going to tell him everything. About Sadie. About you being adopted. After that, I’ll leave it up to you and him to tell me if we’re planning a wedding.”
“So, I have a choice?” she asks, sounding breathless at my very harsh to-do list that will change her life.
“Yes, you have a choice.”
“Then I chose you.” She stalks toward me, and I back up against my bedroom door.
“I’m not an option, Darcy. I can’t give you children.”
“I already have one.”
“If it doesn’t work out with Kieran, I won’t let you settle. This is a big city with plenty of other good men.”
“Like Griffin?”
Rage burns through me, and I pull her into my arms and kiss her. “No. Not him. Or Connor. Or…” I’m not sure what I’m saying. I just need her mouth to think straight. “If Kieran wants you, he’s the best man for you. You won’t do any better than him, love.”
She pulls away. “How can you say that right after you kiss me?”
“Because being the head of this family, and losing my sister, and losing my ability to father children, means I don’t get to choose whatIwant.” I grab the doorknob and feel like I can rip it right out of the wood. “I’m calling Kieran tomorrow. He’smybest friend, you’remyniece, I have every right to suggest a match. We can wait a few days before you meet him, though. Get comfortable here. Make sure Sadie is comfortable. Bring her to the park a few blocks away.”
“Fine.” The hurt in her eyes kills me.
“Good night, Darcy. Sleep well.” I close my bedroom door with her on the other side. I’m tempted to tell Griffin to bolt my door closed from the outside. I don’t trust myself.
My cock is raging hard, and I bang my head against the wood to make all the screaming in my brain stop.
Thenextsevendaysare wonderful and horrible. Wonderful because Astoria really is amazing. It has the same small-town feel as Waterford, but not as rural and spread out. I’ve already found my favorite coffee shop, bakery, and a place to get Sadie ice cream. We walk everywhere, and I can’t help wondering that if I marry the mafia king, will I have the same freedom? I doubt it.
The horrible part is waiting to meet Kieran. Each day, there’s a different excuse. If I didn’t know better, I’d think Ewan is waffling. Although, I don’t see him too much. What we had in Waterford, trapped in a drowning house, is gone. He follows me to the park with Sadie but walks several feet behind, talking on this phone.
Always on that damn phone.
“Who’s he talking to all the livelong day?” I ask Grammy Norah while I help her polish her good silver. A task she says she does once a month, whether she uses them or not.