Page 66 of Sinful Vows
“I’m insulted,” Kieran says, strutting toward me, wearing a dark gray suit. “I’m your best friend. Shouldn’t I be your best man?”
My throat goes tight, and I give him a hug. I feel like a dosser for not even considering it, even though he wished me and Darcy well. “I don’t know what’s come over me.”
“You’re marrying a beautifulcailín. You have a daughter and a wee one on the way.” He smiles warmly at Darcy and Sadie, who are wearing matching white sundresses.
“Aye. Just remember, I always have one foot in the office. That council seat will be mine soon. Let’s work together on building your empire. We need to be bigger and stronger than the Italians.”
“It’s the Russians I’m worried about.” Deep lines form over his nose.
I hadn’t thought about the missing Stasia problem in weeks. “It’s real. We’ll work with Balor to start spying on everyone.”
“Good, but for now, no talking business. Today’s your day. Let’s get you married.” Stress lingers behind his smile, though.
We go into the courthouse, and I hold Sadie, who is Darcy’s little maid of honor. Griffin and Kieran sign the witness paperwork and twenty minutes later, we come out. Holy shite, I’m married! A day I thought I’d never see.
Darcy brings Sadie to the Escalade and starts the buckling process while Griffin gets behind the wheel.
I’m about to ask Kieran delicately abouthisplans for a wife, when I catch him staring at a brunette getting out of a limousine parked in the fire zone.
Isabella Parisi. Daughter ofDonParisi.
Gabriel went to school with Kieran and me. She tosses long dark hair across slim shoulders in a short yellow dress and black open-toe boots. If I know my friend Kieran, his eyes must be glued to those olive-toned legs. Working for the man all these years, I know where his taste in women have gravitated. I still can’t believe I almost gave him my wife.
Myeyes stray to Isabella’s two bodyguards, who I recognize, because I know everyone who’s got a gun permit in this town. One walks in front and one walks behind her.
“After this hearing, I need you to drop me off at Samantha’s apartment,” she says, walking by. “Don’t tell Papa. Just wait for me.”
“Yes, miss,” the guard behind her says, and they disappear into the courthouse.
“See something you like?” I whisper to Kieran.
“Aye,” he says low and throaty, making me wonder if it’s the princess’s attitude with a touch of defiance, keeping his stare lingering.
“Traffic Court starts in ten minutes,” I say. “I wonder what the princess did to get a ticket?”
“Wonder indeed.” Kieran clears his throat, adjusting his tie. “And why didn’t Gabe try to pay off someone to fix it?”
“Do you think Gabe is in financial trouble?”
Kieran smirks, then turns to me with a look in his eyes I haven’t seen in a long time. He opens his mouth to say something when an explosion sounds from several blocks away.
I throw myself at Darcy, bringing her down to the concrete and under me. The ground shakes, and storefront windows shatter. Kieran, Lachlan, and Connor all pull their guns.
It’s my damn wedding day. I didn’t think I needed to be packing. Griffin jumps into the back of the Escalade to hold Sadie.
A few blocks away, black, billowing smoke plumes rise up into the air, and the tips of fire are shockingly visible already.
Kieran turns to me. “Are you all right?”
I rise, drawing Darcy up with me, then I push her into the car. She curls around Sadie, who’s crying. I block the interior of the car with my body, protecting my family.
“We’re fine,” I say, eyes peeled for signs of danger coming our way. “What the fuck was that?”
“C4 bomb,” Lachlan says gruffly.
“Where, though?”
Kieran and Lachlan exchange looks until Kieran’s phone rings. “Yeah, Rior. We’re fine. We’re on Mayfair Street. What the fuck was that? What? Are you kidding me?” He grunts into the phone, turning away from Darcy and Sadie, who can hear him through the open car door. “Holy fucking fuck. Okay, I’m on my way.”