Page 12 of Pretty Little Tease

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Page 12 of Pretty Little Tease

Am I destined to no longer get to swoon for him? Even though I only discovered his stream a week ago, that would be tragic.

Clicking on his name on my homepage, I wait as the page refreshes, bringing me onto his page instead, just in time for me to see that heisstarting his stream.

The masked camboy,letsplayjay, sits back in his chair, twisting it this way and that as he waits for his viewers to pile in. Which, of course, they do. The viewer list updates by the second, and it’s unreal that so many people join the instant he starts his stream.

I wonder how long he’s done this, and how long he’s been this popular.

“Am I having a good Friday?” he leans forward to read the messages, his slightly muffled voice is light and playful. “Oh, I guess. It was a little stressful, but it’s over and now I get to hang out with all of you. Sorry about Monday, by the way.” He raises his hands in apology. “Maybe you can all forgive me? I was having a pretty bad day, and I was… tied up. Not how you all are probably thinking, though. Or was it?” He puts a finger to hismask thoughtfully, and comments pour in, begging him to talk about it.

“Oh, I couldn’t take up your time with something so boring, could I?” he teases. “Why don’t you tell me about your day, hmm?” He checks the chat and calls a random username, asking how his appointment went as his fingers toy with his waistband.

He’s so good at this, and again I wonder if I could do it too, if I had something to hide my face. Surely I could put on a persona, a character kind of, and it wouldn’t really beme. Because it isn’t the sex-work aspect that scares me.

It’s the people being judgmental, or mean, or creepy. What if no one liked me? Or worse, what if theydid? Could I handle the kind of requests or comments thatletsplayjayseems to constantly get from his fans?

Well, in my case, at least I know I wouldn’t have the same volume of audience he has. I don’t even know if I’d want to.

“I just finished eating, actually,” the streamer chuckles, answering someone’s question. “What did I have? Teriyaki chicken from, uh…” He moves offscreen, shoving stuff around on his desk as he moves. Finally, a pile of books falls in front of the camera, obscuring the bottom few inches as he picks up the brown bag and reads the name on it, but I’m not listening.

I’m too fixated on the pile of books.

Or, more accurately, I’m fixated ononeof them. The one that’s closest to the camera, and the easiest to read the spine of.

An Introduction to Digital Photography.

That wouldn’t be so bad… except that the spine is bent and cracked, and at the bottom, holding it together, is a line of dark silver duct tape.

I know this book, because I’d had my hands on it earlier today. It’sOliver’sbook.

And when Oliver chuckles again and says something sweet to his viewers, it clicks into place that I should’ve realized it sooner,since I’ve now spent time listening to his voice and the way he speaks.

Letsplayjayis definitely, unmistakably, Oliver Greer.

Chapter 6

Sitting at my computer later the same night, I suck in a breath. I don’t know what’s more surprising, honestly. The fact thatOliver Greeris the only camboy that I’ve ever actually wanted to watch, or that I’m about to overnight myself a black, fox-like mask with tall ears and slitted eyes. It won’t cover my lower face, which I’ve decided is a good thing, and as I hover over the ‘buy now’ button, I can’t help but feel like my heart is about to pound out of my chest.

Am I really going to do this? According to the site I’m on, the mask is guaranteed to be at my apartment by noon tomorrow, and that’s… that.

Can I actually do this?

Before I can talk myself out of it, I hit the button and push my laptop off of me with a soft sigh. It slides back, tipping onto its back cover as a picture of the mask stares up at me. I give it a minute to sink in, still finding it unreal that I really just did that.

But now what to do? I could go back and watch Oliver, I guess. Or… I could go do some market research. While I’m not into women, watching their streams should be pretty helpful, right?

Yeah, that’s what I tell myself as I get back ontofunxcamsand click through to the female side of the site. It takes me a minute, and nerves knot up my stomach as I browse through the thumbnails of streamers. Some have elaborate setups, and others don’t. I’m definitely looking for someone that doesn’t. Not to mention. I’d prefer someone who’s sitting at a desk, instead of on a bed.

Finally, I stop, and when I click on the thumbnail and the link takes me to the streamer’s page, I realize this is exactly what I’m looking for. She’s still wearing a bra and leggings, and she’s talking to her viewers more than anything. Sure, her hands go up and she plays with herself a little, and as someone gives her a huge tip, she laughs sweetly and takes off her bra so she can show her viewers more.

I don’t take notes, but I do end up watching the rest of her stream, and another one, before I decide that it’s too close to Juniper coming home to keep doing ‘research.’

At least the mask was less than twenty dollars, I think as I hear her unlock the door. Then if I chicken out, which I’m absolutely going to do, I won’t be out that much money.

She’s leavingin five minutes. Or less, my brain tells me as I hear Juniper pulling her boots on in the living room. My heart pounds in my chest as I sit at my desk, head tilted to the side so I can hear her better.

Am I really going to do this?

“See you in a few hours, okay?” Juniper asks, sticking her head in my open door. Her eyes narrow and she looks me over, gaze scrutinizing. “Unless you want to go.”

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