Page 14 of Pretty Little Tease
Surprisingly, someone even throws me a two-dollar tip. That’s… not what I’m expecting. Especially when I’ve barely done anything, but my smile grows. “Thanks so muchfiendham,” I gush, leaning closer to the computer screen. “You’re my very first tipper.”
Hopefully your first fan, the person, probably a guy, says in the chat.
I snicker. “I really hope so. But you asked how my day was? It was all right. To be honest, I spent a lot of time worrying over whether anyone would want to watch me or not. I don’t know, I hope I’m not boring.” Two of the guys in the chat rush to assure me I’m not and it’s… strange.
So is the fact that when I look again, the view count is up to twelve. I bite my lip lightly, touching my mask when someone comments on it in the chat. “This? Well, one of my favorites on here has one, and he’s so cool that I wanted to be just like him when I started,” I lie, still grinning. It feels weird to say ‘because I’m too afraid to show my face.’ Absently, I drag my shirt up a little higher, noticing a comment asking me to take it off.
“Do you want me to? I’m only going to stream for an hour or so, but don’t you think it’s a little soon?” I drag the material up anyway, surprised I can be so nonchalant about this as I take my time pulling it away from my mask and tossing it to the floor.
The chat is appreciative, and someone new tips me a dollar. It’s not the hundreds thatletsplayjay, or rather,Oliver, gets. But it’s something, and as I keep going, my fingers teasing the lines of my bra as I talk, I keep an eye on my viewer count.
It isn’t awful. It fluctuates up and down, though by the time my shorts are on the floor, my matching black panties beingcommented on by viewers, I’m up to a whole fourteen with ten minutes to go in my stream.
Scratch that, fifteen. Then back to fourteen, before it settles at fifteen again. I say something offhand, then pause as I read a message in the chat that makes me bite my lip.
I’ll tip you thirty if you take off the rest of your clothes. The username,rob784,isn’t particularly original, and I don’t like the way the message stands on its own in the chat, without anyone replying to it. Do I want the money? Yeah, I do. But I didn’t want to go that far today, when I’d just planned on trying this out first.
But then someone agrees with him, and it makes me feel even worse. I’m glad that my face is mostly inscrutable behind the mask, and I tilt my head to the side like I’m considering the idea.
That is, until my screen lights up with the notification of money being sent to my stream, and I pause as I watch another follow it.
Sixty dollars, then eighty, puts me at a total of one hundred and forty. For a moment my heart stops, because I’m sure it’srob784and someone else giving me money to get naked right now, but then I see that the moneyisn’tfrom them.
MalevolentMaskis the first, the one who’d sent me sixty, and the other, who sent me eighty, shows up asThrillingTerrorin my stream.
“Thank you so much,” I tell them, letting my enthusiasm color my tone. “You guys are making this a really great stream, umm. What do you want me to do for you before I end my stream?” For that kind of tip, can I really say no? Hell, I reallywilltake off the rest of this in short order, for a tip of that much.
It takes a second for the message fromMalevolentMaskto pop up, and when it does, I can’t hide my grin.
I want you to tell me what your favorite tattoo you have is, and to end your stream on a positive note instead of taking offthe rest of your clothes.You’re gorgeous enough, and they don’t deserve to see more until they pay more <3
I blink once, then again, biting my lower lip. “My favorite is this one,” I tell my viewers, showing the hand and arm piece that contains the snakes and the flowers. I trace along the scales, moving closer to the camera as I do and leaning forward so they can see down my bra. I’m notstupid, after all. “And, honestly, this is the end of the hour that I promised. You guys have made my first stream way better than I ever could’ve imagined.”
A few other viewers congratulate me on my stream, and I try to look confident andnotlike I’m still terrified about this.
“My plan is to stream on Sundays for now, and maybe Fridays? I hope to see everyone again. Have a good weekend.” As similar sentiments roll in, I hit the button to end my stream, looking over at the final figure for the day.
One hundred and sixty-eight dollars. That’s about a hundred and forty more than I ever thought I’d get doing this. Not to mention, it’s probably a one-time thing. I can’t imagine those two will come back. I doubt I’m very interesting, after all.
I nearly have my laptop closed when I see the little exclamation point over my messages, and I stop. Is it spam? Is itrob784coming to tell me he’s upset with me? If that’s the case, I can’t find it in myself to actually care.
It’s not. Instead,MaliciousMaskis in my inbox, and when I open the message and take off my foxy disguise, I smile.
It’s sweet, to be honest.
You did so good for your first time! Don’t be nervous. I promise, everyone loved you. Or everyone who mattered. See you on Friday. <3
Sweet is an understatement, actually.
Another message comes in just as I’m typing out a thank you, and I swap over to it once I’m finished.
This one is fromThrillingTerror, and it’s decidedly not as sweet.
You’re gorgeous, and you shouldn’t let them scare you. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do.
I type a thank you to him as well, though I don’t get a response from either of them as I sit back in my chair and finally close my laptop.
I need food. And caffeine.