Page 41 of Meant for Forever
Okay, he hadn’t been this morning, but Alex, Liam, as well as Ethan and Jeffrey had beaten some sense into him. It helped that Tawny’s mates had been through this mate drama already. He would have apologized for his bad behavior, but then he thought better of it. All seemed to have been forgotten.
Mike grabbed Cassidy's hand and led her into the bathroom.Damn. He should have picked up the towel he’d used yesterday, but he didn’t think Cassidy would be there.
He grabbed it off the floor now and placed the dry towel on the counter. “Sorry. I’m not the neatest person.”
“So Zach has said.”
That didn’t sound good. “I will try to do better.”
“Don’t worry about it. Let me see what damage those mean wolves did to you.”
Before he could say he wanted to undress her first, Cassidy was lifting off his shirt. Mike immediately took it out of her hands and folded it. No time like the present to change his bad habits. “How about you let me take off your top?”
She laughed. “I thought this was about you getting clean?”
“Don’t tell me you plan to shower in your clothes?”
“No, but you’re the one who is injured.”
He inhaled. He could do this, but he had the feeling the moment Cassidy touched him, he’d not be able to stop himself from kissing her. “Let me ditch my shoes, at least.” He bent down and took off his boots and socks then placed them off to the side. He held up his arms and turned around. “See? I’m perfectly healed.”
Even though he didn’t feel any more cuts or bite marks, she ran her fingers over his back, seemingly determined to drive him crazy.
“I like your muscles.”
He had so many comeback lines, but it would be best if he didn’t use them right now. “Thank you.”
“Turn around.”
He did. “See any marks?”
“Actually, I do. There are some scratches on your neck and one little scratch here.” She tapped his cheek.
This slow exploration was causing his cock to press hard against his jeans. Mike figured the faster he took off his clothes, the sooner he could take off hers. So he ditched them.
He stood in front of her stark naked, his heart beating faster than usual. “Any other place you’d like to check out?”
Cassidy’s eyes bugged out. “Holy shit, you’re ah…huge.” She waved a hand. “I shouldn’t have said that. Zach’s is, too, but you’re a bit thicker, not that I’m comparing you two or anything.”
Mike thought she was adorable. “I like huge and thick as descriptors, but let’s see what you think afterward.”
She cleared her throat. “How about turning around once more? I want to see if one of the wolves bit your butt.”
“You do understand that I get to do the same to you?”
She laughed. “I wasn’t in a wolf fight. You were.”
“Point taken, but I still think it’s only fair.”
“We’ll see. Now do as I say.”
He liked her feistiness and faced away from her. She touched his rear. In the mirror’s reflections, he watched as she stepped back and took off her T-shirt. Her white bra might be plain, but her breasts were spilling out of the top, begging to be touched. His mouth watered at the thought of sucking on those delicate beauties. As much as he wanted to do that, he needed to let her set the pace—at least for now.
“Need help?” he asked.
“In a moment. You’re welcome to turn around.”