Page 14 of Saving Breely
“I couldn’t leave the family philanthropies hanging, so I work during the weekdays managing them online. My mother and father can see me there.”
“Can’t they trace you through your computer location?” he asked.
She smiled. “I have a friend who can mask my IP address by sending it all over the world. A really talented hacker might be able to trace me back to Bozeman, though I had hoped not.”
“You need to let the Bozeman police and county sheriff know your true identity. Otherwise, they’ll chase the wrong leads and waste time and resources.”
Bea sighed. “Yeah. I know you’re right. It means I’ll have to relocate to another town.”
“Relocating might not be enough,” Moe said. “If they found you once, there’s a good chance they’ll do it again.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of.” Bea looked straight ahead. “That’s one of the disadvantages of being the daughter of one of the richest men in the world.”
Moe’s gut clenched. “How rich is your father?”
Bea turned to him, met and held his gaze. “Ever heard of Robert Brantt?”
Moe’s eyes widened. “The Robert Brantt of Brantt Enterprises?”
Bea’s lips twisted. “So, you’ve heard of him.”
“Who hasn’t?” Moe blinked.
Bea reached out her hand.
Moe automatically took it and shook it.
“I’m Breely Brantt,” she said. “Robert and Fiona Brantt’s only living child.”
Moe let out a long, low whistle. “Yeah. You definitely need to let the detectives working your case in on your secret. I suspect your true identity has everything to do with the kidnapping and trashing of your apartment.”
“Unfortunately,” Breely said, “like you pointed out, you could become collateral damage if you stay with me long enough.”
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll take my chances.” He glanced back at the box containing the organs he’d promised to deliver. “After we transfer the cargo, I’ll want to put in a call to my boss, Hank Patterson. I’m sure he’ll want to know what’s going on.”
She frowned. “Why?”
Moe met her gaze with a steady one of his own. “What he does…what we do…is exactly what you need.”
“And what is that?”
“Not what, but who.” Moe grinned. “I’m a member of a group of former military special forces operatives called Brotherhood Protectors. Hank Patterson’s brainchild. We provide protection, rescue and extraction services to those in need. Sweetheart, I’d say you’re in need.”
Her brow dipped. “No offense, but it sounds like a bunch of glorified bodyguards.” Breely’s head shifted from side to side. “No thanks.”
“Not even close,” Moe said. “Every one of us is highly trained in combat, intelligence, explosives and maneuvering in dangerous and difficult places. Hank only hires the best of the best.”
“The last thing I need is a bodyguard who thinks too highly of himself.” She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. “I’m trying to get away from a lifetime of constraints. If I’m saddled with a bodyguard, someone I don’t know or care to know, I might as well move back to the ranch my father has built into a fortress.”
Moe reached for her hand. “I’d volunteer for this mission myself,” he said. “You already know me.”
Her gaze went to where his hand held hers. “You’d do that?”
He nodded. “I would.”
“It wouldn’t bother you to babysit the poor little rich girl?”
“I never let rank or the status of a person’s bank account affect the way I treat them. You’re just another person who needs a little help to stay alive.”