Page 16 of Saving Breely
“Told you I liked it,” he murmured as he helped her off his lap and back into her seat. “Buckle up, Buttercup. We’re going in for the landing.” He reached behind her seat, fished out a Denver Broncos ball cap and handed it to her.
While Moe focused solely on landing the plane, Breely twisted her hair up into a bun, secured it with an elastic band and shoved it all up into the ball cap before pulling the bill down low on her forehead.
She’d never been in the co-pilot seat of one of her father’s airplanes and found it both exhilarating and terrifying to witness the landing. A crosswind made it even more challenging. The wings tipped, and the aircraft seemed to wobble as they hurtled toward the tarmac.
Breely pressed her feet into the floor as if she could slow their descent by pressing on imaginary brakes.
When Breely thought they would surely crash onto the runway, Moe eased back on the yoke and the small plane kissed the tarmac, landing with a soft bump. They rolled halfway down the runway until he turned off onto a taxiway and stopped in front of a building where an ambulance waited with people standing beside it.
Breely finally remembered to breathe. “That was amazing.”
Moe chuckled. “Thank you. Were you worried?”
She nodded. “The ground seemed to be rising up to meet us, we were going so fast.”
“It is a little disconcerting when you’re learning how to fly, but it becomes second nature the more you do it.”
She pressed a hand to her chest. “I’ll have to believe you. I’ll never learn to fly.”
“Never say never,” he said with a grin. “You might want to stay inside while I make the transfer.”
“Good idea.” Breely pulled the bill of the hat down lower over her brow and remained in her seat.
Moe pulled the plane to a halt and switched off the engine. While the propeller blades slowed to a stop, Moe unbuckled his seatbelt and climbed into the back of the plane to retrieve the precious cargo.
With the container in his hands, he stepped down from the plane and met the medical personnel there to transport the organs to their destination.
After the tag was scanned and the medical staff had signed for the container, the organs were loaded into the ambulance.
The gate opened, and the ambulance left the airport, engaging the emergency lights to get to the hospital faster.
Moe stepped up into the aircraft. “You can come out now.” He held out his hand to help her disembark.
Once on the ground, she slipped her arms into her jacket, looped her purse over her shoulder and stared at the disappearing ambulance lights. “I hope all goes well with the transplants.” Those people really were getting a fresh start in life. It made her feel proud to have been on the flight that delivered so much hope. “You’ve done a good thing,” she said softly.
“I’m glad to do it.”
Out of the corner of her eye, she could see him watching the ambulance disappear around a corner.
Breely turned and looked up at him. “What now?”
He faced her. “It’s getting late. I hadn’t planned on flying back to Bozeman tonight. Besides, we don’t know where your kidnappers are or if they’ll make another attempt. I doubt they’ve secured a flight to Denver on short notice unless they have access to a private plane. You’re better off staying in Denver for the night. It will give you a chance to think about your next move.”
She nodded. “I should have enough cash in my purse for a hotel room.”
“I made a reservation for a rental car and a hotel room downtown. You can come with me.”
She smiled. “Seeing as I don’t have a car waiting for me, I’d appreciate the ride.”
He dipped his head. “My pleasure.” Moe reached inside the plane, grabbed a backpack and slung it over one shoulder. He closed and locked the door to the aircraft and led the way into the building.
A dark-haired woman at the counter stood as they approached. “Mr. Cleveland, your rental car is in the parking lot.” She handed him a set of keys.
He gave the clerk a smile that melted Breely’s knees. “Thank you,” he said.
The brunette’s cheeks flushed a soft shade of pink. Apparently, Moe’s smile had the same effect on the woman as it had on Breely.
“Do you want us to top off your fuel?” she asked. Was she really batting her eyes at the man?