Page 19 of Saving Breely
He let the door swing closed, his lips pressed into a thin line. “I’m tired and hungry.” He took her hand in his, placed the key card in her palm and closed her fingers around it. “Take the room. I’ll sleep out here in the hall or in the SUV. If I’d wanted to molest you, I’ve had several opportunities since I pulled your ass out of that van. I could’ve flown you to some remote location, raped you and left you for the wolves to find. But I didn’t. The women I make love to come to me willingly or not at all. Besides, you’re not my type.”
Frowning, she tried to shove the card back at him. “I’m not taking your room. You made the reservation and paid for it. I’m not a charity case. I’ll pay my way or sleep on a park bench with the other homeless people.”
He refused to take the card and ran a hand through his hair. “Cut yourself some slack. You didn’t ask to be attacked tonight. Come into the room, wash your face, comb your hair and use the facilities. Then we’re going to find some food and make a plan.”
“Do you know how tired I am of people telling me what to do?” she whispered.
“Look, it’s your choice. I’m going to walk away. You can choose to use that key or toss it and go sleep in a park with God knows who. Just remember, it’ll be your choice. I’m going to find something to eat before I start slamming my fist into walls.” He left her in front of the door and headed for the elevator.
Breely waited for him to turn and call his bluff.
Instead, he punched the button on the elevator. When the bell dinged and the door slid open, the man stepped in.
“Wait!” Breely called out and ran to catch up.
The doors were two inches from closing when she jammed her hand between them. They bounced open to reveal Moe leaning against the back wall, his arms folded, his legs crossed at the ankles and a frown creasing his forehead. “What?”
“Okay, you win.” Breely held the doors open. “I’ll use the room. I’ll sleep on the chair or in the bathtub. You paid for the room. You get the bed.”
His eyes narrowed. “It’s your choice.”
“Fine. It’s my choice.”
The elevator beeped a warning.
Still, Moe remained propped against the back wall. “I would never hurt you. I give you my word. And the only way I’d make love to you is if you asked me. Nicely. Then it would be my choice whether I agreed. Again…you’re not my type. Understood?”
Breely nodded. “I’m not your type.”
“And?” he prompted, unfazed by the loud beeping.
“And you won’t hurt me or make love to me unless I ask. Which I won’t.” She cocked her eyebrow. “Now, are you coming out of that elevator before they send security up to find out why it’s not moving?”
He hesitated a moment longer, then pushed away from the wall and walked toward her.
Breely stepped back, letting go of the elevator doors.
Moe walked through and allowed the doors to close behind him.
Breely let go of the breath she’d been holding.
When Moe held out his hand, she laid the key card in his palm. He walked ahead of her and opened the room door.
This time, he didn’t hold the door for her but stepped through and let the door swing behind him.
Breely caught it before it closed and locked her out. She felt bad that she’d made him mad when all he’d done was try to help her.
But it was safer if he was mad. If she stayed the night in his hotel room, she’d be less tempted by his angry countenance than the charming one he’d displayed to the airport clerk earlier.
Hell, who was she kidding?
Even mad, the man had her knees weak and her panties damp.
It was going to be a long night.
Chapter 5
As tired as Moe was, he was hungry and needed to burn off the adrenaline that spiked as soon as he entered the hotel room and saw all the possibilities of a king-sized bed and a very small chair Breely couldn’t possibly sleep on.