Page 32 of Saving Breely
She passed the officers holding Moe, tossed the jeans at one of them, and said, “Let him get dressed. It’s the decent thing to do. Unless he’s considered guilty until proven innocent.”
Moe fought the smile threatening to break out across his face.
When riled, Breely was kickass. A petite force to be reckoned with. She stared at the police officers with her narrow-eyed glare. “I mean it. Don’t even think of leaving with that man until I’m back.” She entered the bathroom and closed the door.
The officer holding Moe’s jeans patted down the denim. When he was satisfied no weapons were hiding in the pockets, he slapped the garment into Moe’s hand.
The officers released his arms.
Moe dropped the towel, jammed his feet into the legs of the jeans and pulled them up over his hips, tucking in his still-rigid cock. The weight of Robert Brantt’s glare bore down on him.
“My contact informed me that my daughter had been kidnapped and taken to the airport in Bozeman.”
“Two men jumped me,” Breely, her voice muffled, called out from the other side of the bathroom door. “Moe, the guy you’re trying to arrest, saved me.”
Brantt’s glance never strayed from Moe, distrust evident in the snarl on his lip.
Moe couldn’t blame the man. He’d received conflicting information, pulled out all the stops to trace them to Denver, and probably flew down in a private jet only to find his daughter with the kidnapper, naked. Yeah, he could understand Brantt’s anger and distrust.
If Breely were his daughter, Moe would have jumped to the same conclusions and might have taken matters into his own hands and decked the naked man, presumably raping his daughter.
Moe nodded toward the T-shirt lying in a wad on top of the dresser. “Do you mind?”
The closest officer grabbed the T-shirt, felt it for weapons and flung it at Moe.
Moe pulled it over his head and tucked it into the waistband of his jeans.
Better. At least he wasn’t clutching a towel over his dick, stoking the rage in Breely’s father.
“I’m still not convinced you weren’t in on the attempted kidnapping. You could have staged it all to earn my daughter’s trust.”
“He’s not the bad guy.” Breely flung open the door, dressed in the T-shirt and jean skirt with her wet hair neatly brushed straight. “Daddy, this is Morris Cleveland. Moe, to his friends. He’s prior military, a war hero.”
“War heroes can have mental issues,” her father pointed out.
Breely planted her fists on her hips and pressed her lips together in a tight line. “Have your informants or fact checkers look him up. He’s a legit good guy.”
Moe’s lips twitched at Breely’s defense of him. She didn’t have to. But she was fierce and didn’t back down from the formidable Robert Brantt.
Finally, the older Brantt shifted his watchful gaze from Moe to his daughter. “Then why did he fly you to Denver if he didn’t have ulterior motives for you?”
“He was in Bozeman, waiting to fly a medical mission to Denver.”
Her father’s crossed his arms over his chest. “Medical mission?”
“Organs harvested from a crash victim in the Bozeman area had to be flown to Denver. The ambulance met us at the airport,” Moe explained.
“It’s all documented.” Breely waved a hand. “Please, have your spies check it out. And next time, don’t accuse someone of kidnapping until you get your facts straight.”
“So, Mr. Cleveland had a reason to be in Denver. That’s no reason for him to take you and set off a manhunt.”
“Whomever your informant is, he needs to get his story straight before he sets off the alarms.” She stared at her father, her brows forming a V. “I should’ve known you’d have someone watching me.”
“Obviously,” her father said, unapologetic. “You still haven’t explained why Mr. Cleveland forced you to fly with him to Denver.”
“I didn’t force her to come with me,” Moe said. “I highly suggested she come since I had to leave immediately, and she wasn’t safe to stay by herself.”
Breely lifted her chin. “My apartment had been broken into. Everything in it was trashed and the tires on my car slashed. I had nowhere else to go. So, I chose to accompany Moe on his mission to ferry organs to transplant patients.”