Page 40 of Saving Breely
“I’m so sorry my father was hard on you. I’m glad he came around enough that he agreed to let me choose my own bodyguard.”
“I’m sure he’s already been on the phone with his sources, performing a background check on me.” Moe’s lips twitched.
“Yeah,” Breely agreed.
“Good for him and for you,” Moe said. “I’d do the same.”
“He might even call Hank Patterson personally to see if you really do work for the Brotherhood Protectors.”
“I’m glad I met with Hank at the tavern, so my face and name will be fresh on his mind when your father calls.”
The ATC contacted Moe with instructions for landing at the Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport.
Moe focused all his attention on establishing a flight path into the airport and landing the plane with a seventeen-mile-an-hour crosswind.
After taxiing to the FBO, he was directed where to park by ground personnel and shut down his engine.
“We won’t be here long. Let’s plan on being back here in an hour—hour and a half tops.”
Breely nodded. “I don’t have much to grab. The apartment was furnished. All I need are my clothes and personal items.”
He helped Breely down from the plane and worked with the clerk in the FBO, arranging for the use of a loaner car for the short time they’d be in Bozeman.
The sooner he got Breely to West Yellowstone, the sooner he could work with his team to provide the best security possible for the redhead. He’d get on a video conference call with Hank and his computer guy, Swede, to see if they could add any pertinent information to the scenario.
The more he knew about Robert Brantt’s personal and business life, the better prepared he’d be to handle any threat that might be headed Breely’s way.
He really didn’t like being back in Bozeman, where the two men might still be at large, looking for another opportunity to capture Breely.
Before he left the building, he called the Bozeman Police department and asked to speak to the detective in charge of the kidnapping investigation.
A few minutes later, the detective responded. “After Mr. Morgan, the tavern owner, briefed us on what happened, we canvassed the area. Some people reported seeing a white van. We viewed videos from security cameras in the area. Several showed the van passing by. None of the images captured the faces of the driver or his partner. We found the van behind an abandoned house on the outskirts of the city. The license plate had been removed. We traced the VIN to a used car dealership in Butte. They hadn’t known it was missing from their lot until we called them about it.”
“Were you able to lift any prints?”
“We did, but we couldn’t find a match on the Automated Fingerprint Identification System. The perps have yet to be caught performing a crime.”
“I have Breely Brantt with me. If you discover anything pertaining to the case, please call me at this number.” Moe gave the detective his cell phone number, thanked him and ended the call.
Breely looked up at him. “Nothing?”
“They found the white van on the edge of town. They lifted fingerprints but didn’t find a match on the database.”
She sighed. “I’d have felt a whole lot better if I knew those two were behind bars.”
“Me, too.” Moe took her hand. “Let’s get this over with and move on.”
She gave him a determined smile. “Deal.”
As he drove out of the airport, Moe kept watching in all directions. If those guys were serious about kidnapping Breely, they’d make another attempt. Hopefully, not in full daylight.
Then again, having failed their first attempt, they might be more desperate and take bigger risks on their next crack at it.
Moe glanced in the rearview mirror what felt like a hundred times between the airport and Breely’s apartment complex. At every traffic light, he stared into the cars that pulled up beside him and behind him. He didn’t want to be trapped between vehicles and have Breely yanked out of her seat and stolen away.
They made it to her complex without incident. After a quick search inside, Moe determined the apartment was clear of intruders. He stood guard at the door with the broken lock while Breely picked through the disaster that had been her home for the past couple of months.
Since her suitcase had been ripped apart, she found a box of trash bags in the bottom of the pantry and filled two with the clothes that had escaped damage. She glanced into the bathroom, shook her head and joined Moe at the door.