Page 46 of Saving Breely
He pushed the door wide and stepped into her room. She stood in front of a full-length mirror, her back to him. Breely wore a satiny, green sheath dress with narrow straps, balanced over her pale, lightly freckled shoulders. The back scooped low, dangerously close to her buttocks. Green silky satin clung to her curves, hugging her like a second skin from her breasts to her hips where the skirt flared out, falling softly past her knees. On her feet, she wore shiny, silver strappy sandals with delicate heels.
Breely had swept her hair up in a loose, messy bun on top of her head, the thick curls wound several times around the elastic band, strands held in place with a few strategically placed bobby pins.
Facing the mirror, she frowned. With a rhinestone-studded comb in her hand, she held it over several locations on her head, shook her head and finally slid the comb in front of the bun, securing some loose strands and adding a bit of bling to already glorious hair.
She met his gaze in the mirror. “Will this do?”
“If by do, you mean it makes me want to rip that dress from your body, skip dinner and feast on you for the rest of the night…” he nodded, “it will do.” He reached out to place his hands on her hips and stopped before he touched her. “May I?”
“Mmm,” she moaned, her eyelids sinking halfway over her eyes. “Please.”
Moe rested his hands lightly at her waist. Unable to resist, he slid his fingers over her hips and behind her to cup her ass in his palms.
The dress was smooth and cool to the touch. No matter how chilly, it couldn’t tamp down the rising desire coursing through his veins.
Breely leaned her naked back against his crisp cotton, button-down shirt. “How long does it take to walk from our rooms to the dining hall?”
“Two minutes.” Moe checked his watch and grimaced. “We have exactly two minutes to get to the dining room. Stone wasn’t kidding about Cookie liking people to show up on time.” He held out his arm. “Are you up for a sprint?”
Breely waved a hand toward her feet. “In these shoes?”
“I guess not.” Moe shook his head. “Then we’d better get going and step out smartly.” He held out his arm.
Breely hooked her arm through his, and they left her room.
Moe set the pace, careful not to push this beautiful woman so fast that she slipped, slid or fell in an inglorious heap. Ahead, he spotted Stone standing in the middle of the rest of his team. Kyla and Chelsea stood to the side, their heads together, laughing about something one or the other had said. All attention turned to Moe and Breely as they entered the dining room.
“I guess everyone turned out to meet the new client,” he murmured.
Breely’s hand tightened on his arm. He reached over and patted her reassuringly.
He should have known they’d be highly interested in meeting Breely Brantt, daughter of Robert Brantt.
Moe would rather have returned to their rooms and had Breely all to himself. He heard a low rumble from the vicinity of Breely’s belly. His stomach echoed the sound. Hunger won out.
“We should’ve eaten lunch at the Tumbleweed Tavern,” he said beneath his breath for only Breely to hear.
“Agreed,” she responded without losing the smile on her lips.
They joined the others standing near the long table reserved for them. Other guests sat at tables scattered around the large dining room. Some glanced up to see who’d entered and went back to eating the meal Cookie had prepared.
“Gang’s all here,” Stone sang out. “Everyone, you know our token PJ, Moe. The lovely young lady on his right is Breely Brantt. She’s chosen Brotherhood Protectors to provide the security and protection she needs until we or the authorities locate the men responsible for her near-kidnapping in Bozeman.” He waved a hand toward Breely. “Please say hello to Ms. Brantt.”
As one, they said, “Hello, Ms. Brantt.
Breely’s cheeks flushed a soft pink. “Thank you. But, please, call me Breely.”
“Noted,” Stone said. “You know Moe. Let me introduce the other members of the Brotherhood Protectors Yellowstone team.” He nodded toward a man who stood taller than the rest with an auburn-haired woman beside him. “This super tall drink of whiskey is Benjamin ‘Bubba’—”
“Yates,” Breely finished. She held out her hand.
He engulfed her smaller one and gave it a firm but gentle shake. “Nice to meet you, Ms. Br—eely.” His cheeks turned a ruddy red. He turned to the woman beside him. “This is my fiancée, Chelsea.”
The pretty, auburn-haired woman shook Breely’s hand with both of hers. She stood at least half a foot taller than Breely, but her smile wasn’t the least intimidating, “Glad to meet you,” she said.
“Thank you. Are you the one who’s a wolf biologist?’ Breely hoped she’d remembered what Moe had told her.
Chelsea grinned. “I am. I work the packs in and around Yellowstone National Park.”