Page 57 of Saving Breely
She was a smart woman. She’d get out through the nearest door.
He remembered the emergency exit at the end of the hallway and worked his way toward it. With one hand on the wall, the other in front of him, he ran until his hand hit the wall at the end of the hall. He pushed against the door lever and burst out into the open.
Moe dragged air into his lungs and scanned the area for Breely. She wasn’t there.
He ran around the side of the building toward the front of the lodge.
Nothing moved in the parking lot. Breely wasn’t there.
On the street beyond, a gray pest control van drove past as if nothing was wrong when, in fact, things had just gone to shit.
Where was Breely?
Moe raced back around the lodge to the rear, hoping Breely had come out that direction and was looking for him.
Stone and Kyla ran up from the barn. Tinker and John Jacobs raced up from the direction of one of the storage buildings.
Moe met them near the back porch.
“What happened?” Stone asked.
“There was an explosion,” Moe coughed. “I can’t find Breely.”
“Where was she the last time you saw her?” Kyla asked.
He tilted his head toward the lodge. “She’d gone to the restroom.”
When Kyla started for the entrance, Moe caught her arm. “I checked. She’s not in there.”
“The smoke and fire seem to be coming from the kitchen,” John said. “What about Cookie?”
“Sweet Jesus.” Kyla took off running.
They raced to the end of the building where the kitchen was located in time to see Cookie stumble through the kitchen door and drop to his knees, coughing and hacking.
Moe rushed to him. “Was Breely with you when the explosion happened?”
Cookie shook his head and coughed harder. “Last I…saw her…she was …with you.”
Sirens wailed in the distance, growing louder.
“Is there anyone else in the building,” Kyla asked.
Stone’s eyes narrowed. “Our team is all out for the day.”
John shook his head. “All the guests either checked out this morning or headed out to Yellowstone for the day. Shouldn’t be anyone inside.”
“Except Breely,” Moe started for the door.
Stone grabbed his arm. “It’s too smoky.”
Moe strained against Stone’s hold. “Let go. I need to get her out.”
“Does she have her phone on her?” Kyla asked.
Moe nodded. “In her back pocket.”
“Didn’t you put a phone locator app on yours and hers?” Kyla asked.