Page 59 of Saving Breely
The van stopped short of the helicopter blades. The side door slid open. A blur of movement exploded out the door.
Red hair whipped in the wind as Breely darted away from the van and the helicopter.
Two men raced after her.
She ran at least thirty yards before the thinner man tackled her to the ground and held her there until the big guy caught up. Together, they lifted her between them.
Rage burned inside Moe. Just a little further.
His time was running out. The men had Breely and were heading to the helicopter.
Moe was fifty yards away when the men reached the chopper. As they tried to get inside with Breely, she bucked and twisted.
The thinner guy stumbled, dropped his hold on Breely’s legs and fell to the ground. He was up in a second, reaching for Breely’s legs.
She kicked out, catching the man in the chin and sending him flying backward.
When he came back at Breely, he backhanded her across her face.
Her head snapped to the right, and she lay still.
Moe’s hands tightened on the handlebars. He’d kill the guy for hurting Breely.
The men lifted her up and into the helicopter.
As they scrambled in behind her, Moe reached the helipad, driving up from the rear of the aircraft.
He raced straight for the open side door.
As he came alongside, the chopper started to rise into the air.
Moe flung himself off the bike and in through the open doorway, landing on top of the bigger man who’d been struggling to get to his feet.
He knocked the big guy flat on his belly.
Breely lay on the floor beside him, her eyes closed.
The helicopter rocked, hovering a few feet from the ground.
The skinnier guy cocked his leg and swung his foot straight at Moe’s head.
Moe rolled in time to avoid the man’s boot.
As the foot whizzed past his ear, Moe grabbed the man’s leg, twisted and shoved him backward.
He fell, landing hard against the other door.
The big guy beneath Moe bucked.
Moe rolled off him and let the man get to his knees. As the man was pushing to his feet, Moe kicked hard, landing his boots in the man’s side with enough force to launch him backward. He staggered a few feet. The helicopter pitched to the starboard. The big man teetered, arms flailing wildly and fell out.
Moe leaped to his feet.
The other man pushed himself upright and lunged at Moe. Bigger and heavier than Moe, he had the advantage of weight.
Moe had the advantage of agility.
The man swung his fist.