Page 60 of They Call Me Wicked
Heat floods me, my cheeks seeming to burn with the intensity as my breathing grows shaky and short. I try my absolute hardest to stamp it down, but it’s so fucking hard. My core clenches as my entire body suddenly becomes alive and over-sensitized, recognizing each ridge of his many, many muscles as they dip and press into different parts of me.
“Don’t be jealous.” His voice surfaces once more, causing an earthquake beneath me, vibrating straight to my clit. Yet, I don’t move.
“Did you just make a joke?” Kai is stunned for a moment before he laughs loudly. “I’m not jealous. Besides, if you remember correctly, I was the one who called out for you to come take her when I had to piss.”
“You could have told me why you needed me before I came out.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault you went all John Wick, rolling into the living room with only your boxer briefs on while swinging your gun around. That’s on you.”
“I thought she was in danger.”
“Yes, yes. And danger waits for no man to find clothes.” Kai’s voice is fully settled in facetiousness, his aura just as open.
It’s a really good thing I have my cotton sleep shorts on at least, because if I didn’t…well, Ezra might be able tofeelhow awake I really am. Just the thought of the sexy giant bursting into the living room in his underwear like a badass, his gun sweeping the room, muscles bunching and twitching in anticipation for danger, has me all sorts of revved up. If you know what I mean.
“You could have waited for me to at least get dressed.” Ezra’s ridiculously low tone seems to roll through my nerve endings, the hum of its deep and gravely nature setting my core alight in so many ways.
“No, I couldn’t have! She started whining every time I tried to put her down, like whenever I let her go she started having nightmares, and she was pressing herself right against my bladder. I was point five seconds away from giving her a surprise golden shower.”
Okay,eww. I did not need that visual.
The guys are quiet for a moment and I debatewaking upfor them while there’s an opportunity. But…life is never that forgiving.
“I know you’re awake, Squeaks,” Ezra rumbles like an avalanche going down a mountain and I…well, I squeak.
“I’m sorry!” I don’t know why that’s the first thing that flies from my mouth as I clumsily struggle to sit up and move from on top of him. My hands accidentally hit his face, press against his neck, and slide off the tops of his shoulders as I try to push myself up. Kai booms with laughter as I struggle and my face heats.
When I finally manage to sit, I realize very quickly that I’ve shimmied down Ezra’s form and am now sitting directly over the promised land. The heat that encircles me forces me still and I’m stunned in place as the cock beneath me stirs at the contact, rising…rising…and fuckingrisingto the occasion.
Oh my God, that thing isn’t even fully hard and it could spear me in half.
That thing is so big it probably has its own area code.
Like, so big that if it entered into a dick contest, it would come out first, second, and third.
His dick is so massive that the head of it has probably only seen the balls in pictures.
I could probably wrap it around my neck like a scarf if I wasn’t afraid it would get hard and strangle me.
Like a helicopter, it could probably seat six.
When he flies commercial, he probably has to check that thing as baggage.
Hell, he could probably bench my entire body with his dick alone.
He most definitely accidentally sits on that thing at least once a day.
How the fuck does he wear pants? Does it have its own special article of clothing just to cover it?
My fingers twitch as if to feel and see if it has its own set of underwear on when Ezra’s body shakes and jerks beneath me, forcing my hands to press against his pelvis to keep from falling forward. Oh my God…
“Are you laughing at me?” I try to put some heat in my voice, but I’m distracted by the rippling muscles beneath my hands. He’s definitely got a deep, sexy V that leads straight to his third fucking leg. The divots seem to call to my fingers, and they move of their own accord to explore every inch.
“Not laughing. But…I think…” Ezra, for once, struggles to get a word out. He doesn’t talk much, but he always knows what to say. I think I’ve rendered him speechless.
“Wick, if you don’t want to end up walking funny for the next three days, you should probably stop dry humping the giant,” Kai intones in amusement, his voice barely piercing through the haze that seems to have overtaken me.
Oh shit, Iamdry humping him!