Page 75 of They Call Me Wicked
As long as she’s drawing breath, I’m suffocating. But the second her chest stops rising and falling is the second that I will burn the entire world down around me to join her. They’ll bury us together or not at all, because there’s no way I could keep living knowing she’s not there to piss me off.
So yeah…maybe Kai does need her, and maybe she does need Ezra, but me? I’ll challenge her. I’ll push her higher, lift her up in ways she can’t possibly understand. She can use me like a ladder to climb to the top. And when she’s looking down, ruling over my entire world, I’ll know that I was the one who put her there.Me!
Kai may call her Wick, but I’m the real wick, and she’s the flame. One day, she’s going to burn me straight out of existence. Yet, I can’t find it in me to leave.
“Well come on, guys. He could be murdering my mom right this second!” Izabella reaches for the door handle, but Ezra flips the locks on and she whips around at the sound. “What are you doing?”
“Did you really think you were going in with us?” I question dryly, my mouth mirroring the downturn of her lips. “Don’t be stupid, Izabella. You’re not going after a murderer when you’re blind as a bat.”
“Penis snake!” She snaps, slapping her cane against one of her hands.
“I’ve told you this before, but you never listen to me! Bats aren’t blind. That’s a myth. But penis snakes are! So I’m blind as a penis snake.” I cough, my mind seemingly combusting on the spot. “Say it.”
“Say it. Fix your mistake!”
“Izabella…there’s no time for this,” I groan, rubbing my palm over my face.
“We’re not going anywhere until you do!” She huffs, crossing her arms over her chest.
“You’re not going anywhere at all.”
“Then neither are you!”
“Do it!”
“Fine!” I yell, fury rocketing through my entire body. I want to strangle her. I want to smack her ass until she can’t sit down. I want to shove my cock so deep and hard into her body that she remembers who the fuck is in charge here.
“Well…?” She sing-songs, her smokey voice challenging me, and I grumble under my breath.
“Blind as a…penis snake.” My neck feels like it’s strained so tightly my head might pop off, my hands fisted at my sides. But I falter as soon as she smiles again, this time aiming it at me.
My heart skips another beat.
Which just pisses me off more.
“Good boy.” Her grin turns wicked and a low growl pulls from my throat.
“It doesn’t work like that. No, just no.” Rubbing my palm over my face, I breathe deeply and carefully to try and dispel the irritation swimming through me.
“Well, let’s go!” She tries the door once more, finding it still locked, before fumbling around to try and find the unlock button. “Y’all are fixin’ to piss me off real quick if you don’t let me out of this damn truck!”
“You’re not going, Izabella!” No way in hell. “We can’t risk him getting his hands on you! Especially if this is a trap.”
“But what if that’s part of the trap? To leave me vulnerable without you guys, so he can get to me?” She says with an edge of pure challenge in her tone. “You’ll be falling right into it. Then how would you feel?”
Like my soul was ripped from my body and smited straight into hell.
“Where the fuck is Alan? Couldn’t we just leave her with him when he gets here?” Kai earns himself a shuffling of movement from Wicked before she whacks him with her cane. He takes it with a smile.
The raccoons quip a few chirps before letting out low menacing growls, their hackles raised as they stare straight out of the windshield. We all freeze in place, silence quickly overtaking the space when we hear it. A mangled, distorted scream echoes in the distance.
We jump into action. Ezra clicks the truck unlocked and bolts out the door, quickly followed by the rest of us. Gizmo and Snitch follow Kai as he pulls Wicked to his side and shuffles her with him to join us on the sidewalk, his hands wandering over her hips and ass as usual, making my jaw clench.