Page 83 of They Call Me Wicked
The locks click open as Nic starts letting him in and I snap to my feet. “What are you doing?”
“I’m letting him in. And then I’m going to tell him exactly what his preciouspsíquicathinks of him.”
“You are such a-”
“Hey, Chief, come on in.” The door creaks as it opens fully and Alan’s aura surfaces with the rest by the door.
Ezra joins me in the living room where I’m frozen in place, his massive hand encompassing mine and letting the warmth of his touch help keep the icy blanket of doubt and suspicion from taking over completely. Kai quickly joins me on my other side, his arm snaking around my waist, adding to the feeling of support and protection. I feel Alan’s aura waver with caution as he takes in our stance, his footsteps slowing before stopping completely at the entryway to the living room.
“I see you guys are getting along better…” Alan’s voice is hesitant as his attention focuses on where the guys are each touching me.
“What? Would you rather we be at each other’s throats still?” I snipe, my grip tightening on Ezra’s hand.
“No that’s not-”
“Well don’t worry, Nic and I still hate each other’s guts, so you’ve got that going for you.” Nic flairs with anger at my words as he stays directly beside Alan, his loyalties and intentions clear. But there’s also something small beneath the fury, hidden and trying to disappear completely, just a touch of something I can’t find the word to. Almost like…hurt.
“I’m glad you came, Chief. There’s actually something we wanted to talk to you about.” I snort at Nic’s interjection, my free hand gripping the side of Kai’s shirt as nerves flutter to life in my stomach. Gizmo and Snitch chitter softly as they take in the scene, no doubt confused as to why I might be so on edge when almost everyone here is in their good graces. But they don’t stray from my side, their little bodies moving to grasp onto my pant legs and offer their own little form of support.
“We don’t have time right now. I just came to tell you guys that you’reallofficially off the case.”
“I was already off the case.” My brows crinkle in confusion.
“Yes, you were. But the guys were still working on it behind the scenes. Now they need to step back as well. All of you need to stay out of the office and as under the radar as you can.” Kai shifts at my side, and his aura flairs with both regret and mistrust. His regret at hiding the fact that he was still working the case behind my back and mistrust at the idea of why he’s being pulled from it now.
He shouldn’t worry about the former, I’ve known since the beginning they were still working on it. I’m not fucking stupid. One or two of them would disappear at times when they were certain I wasn’t going to be going anywhere, and they always had secret little phone calls to take in other rooms.
“What?” Nic’s tone and aura are both confused and filled with disbelief. “Why are we being pulled from the case?”
“The casings from Izzy’s old house were collected to be sent off for ballistics, but…now they’re missing from evidence.”
“Wait, what?!”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!”
“¡Qué mierda!”
All four of our little group’s voices rise, creating a cacophony of rage and incredulity that smothers the air around me. Even Ezra’s hold on his control slips to reveal his humanity beneath. Each of us lost to the implications that accompany the bomb that was just dropped on us.
“I don’t know what happened.” Alan sighs, his aura heavy…heavier than I’ve ever felt it before. But why?
I tune in, trying to dig in and see what he’s thinking, but it almost feels like I’m pushing through molasses. A whirlwind of anger, despair, and regret swarms the air around him. He seems to be feeding the emotions, giving into them in a way, and not letting himself think or breathe past them.
Is he doing it on purpose? Is he using that to disguise his thoughts? Hiding them away so I can’t see them? Does he even know how to do that?
“I’m sorry, guys. But the fact is, with this new development you’re not safe at the office. It means that either the stalker is there, or working with someone there. You’re all officially, and unofficially, going on an extended paid leave.” Alan’s voice grows more resolute with each word, until the shaky emotional side of him is completely gone, leaving behind only determination and authority.
“You aren’t seriously suggesting that, Chief?!” Nic’s ire seems to spike to nuclear levels, his voice sharp and cold. I tune into him, trying to push past the rage, but I can’t get through. I have no idea what he’s thinking at the moment, much like how Alan is hidden behind his own emotions. Yet, I don’t think he’s doing it on purpose. The man just truly has some mega anger issues.
“No, I’m not suggesting. I’m telling. You’re staying out of it. End of discussion,” Alan affirms simply, his aura still swirling with an overwhelming amount of strong emotions.
Ezra is completely shut down as always, but his hand is like steel beneath mine, his form rigid and unyielding. Like he’s moments away from getting stabby. I squeeze his hand, offering my support the only way I can, knowing that beneath his control, there’s a volcanic reaction bubbling away, simply waiting to erupt.
Kai is the only one in the room who is decidedly open and easy to read, as per usual. His aura sits like a billboard to his innermost thoughts, using bold fonts to lay everything out for me. Disbelief, suspicion, anger. Those, and so many other emotions, swirl beneath his psyche to create a tornado of emotional debris, which is aimed directly at the man in front of us.
The man who, despite the obvious tsunami of negativity aimed at him, stands resolutely as he faces us down. A click of italian leather shoes beats against my wood floors hesitantly. Once. Then twice. They continue on as Nic strides across the room and joins Ezra, Kai, me along with the trash pandas.