Page 34 of The Nanny Trap
Blake could tell she was winding up to deliver a knockout punch and awaited the results with keen interest. What notions had she bandied about in that adorable brain of hers these last few hours? He couldn’t decide if this was a preamble to goodbye or a lecture on the evils of sexually harassing someone in his employ.
“Let me see if I’m clear on what you’re saying. Women want me, but I’ve been burned.”
“Exactly.” Her rain-washed blue eyes regarded him solemnly. “That’s why you picked me.”
Now they were getting somewhere. At her heart, Bella was a practical woman. She would need to reconcile how, after they’d been nothing but friends for the months she was carrying Drew, he could suddenly desire her. Blake cursed himself for moving too fast. She would be skeptical of any explanation he offered. And how could he get her to accept why his desire for her had struck him so powerfully when he didn’t fully understand it himself?
“I’m not following,” he said, playing for time. “Why do you think I picked you?”
“Because I’m safe.”
Blake couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Safe? She had to be kidding. “Is that how you see yourself?”
“I’m a kindergarten teacher from a tiny town in Iowa. You are a sophisticated, wealthy businessman from New York City. When it comes to experience, I’m no match for you.”
And that was a huge part of her charm. He liked her authenticity. She was a woman of substance and depth. She intrigued his mind in addition to captivating his body.
Blake stared at her profile and fell into the memory of their lovemaking. Desire hummed pleasantly along his nerves, the sensation muted, but poised to sharpen with the least provocation. She might be right to be concerned.
“I can see where you might get that idea,” he said. But where was she headed with her analysis? Was she treating him to a tongue-in-cheek jab at his forceful personality, or was she worried he’d be too physically demanding?
“Also, you know I have no interest in marrying you. So there’s no pressure.”
She had everything all figured out, didn’t she?
“You have no interest in marrying me?” Blake’s amusement dimmed. If anyone other than Bella had made that statement, he would write it off as a woman willing to say anything to keep a man from bolting. But this was Bella, determined to stay childless.
“You probably find that hard to believe.” She gave him a smug look. “But it’s true. Plus, you don’t have to worry whether or not I’ll fall for you because you already know I won’t.”
“Am I so undesirable?” She was certainly making him feel that way.
“You know you’re not,” she retorted, treating him to a scowl. “In fact, you’re very charming and terribly handsome.”
“Which explains why you’re completely immune.”
She sighed. “Even if I believed Cinderella stories can come true—which I don’t—the fact of the matter is you and Drew are a package deal. At some point you’re going to want to get remarried to someone who can be a mother to him. That’s not me.”
She’d certainly thought the whole thing through. Too bad for her, he’d done some comprehensive strategizing of his own.
“Where does that leave us?”
“I was thinking a casual summer romance. Something to bridge the gap between your divorce from Victoria and the next Mrs. Blake Ford.”
Blake couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “How casual, exactly?”
“Great sex. No strings.”
She looked so pleased with herself that Blake wanted to shake her until the ridiculous idea tumbled out of her mind. Great sex. No strings. What man wouldn’t jump at the opportunity?
It was impossible. And insulting. Did she really think he could spend the next two months getting to know her, making love to her and then just let her go?
Blake pitched his voice to disguise his annoyance and asked, “If we were to begin a no-strings arrangement, have you considered how we might go about it?”
“Not really. But if we were to do consider one, it would have to remain a secret.”
This was just getting better and better. “Are you embarrassed to be with me?”
“I’m only thinking of your reputation.”
“Why don’t you let me worry about my reputation.”
He brushed her hair off her shoulder and grazed his thumb along the line of her neck, feeling her tremble beneath his touch. Her eyes widened as he tugged her off balance. She wasn’t quick enough to save herself and ended up tumbling onto the blanket beside him.