Page 45 of The Nanny Trap
Each night they traded off who got up when Drew began to cry. Heat crowded Bella’s cheeks at the memory of what they were usually doing in the moments before the boy awakened. The easy intimacy between her and Blake continued to amaze her. Was it possible only weeks had passed since he’d shown up at her school? Her level of familiarity with father and son made it feel as if she’d been with them for months.
Bella’s phone buzzed, signaling she had a text. Thinking it was Deidre or maybe her brother, she peeked at the screen. The message leached the afternoon of all its pleasure.
Mrs. Farnes said you are having lunch with Blake. I warned you.
“Bella?” Julie’s voice brought back the sunshine. “Are you all right? You look as if you’ve gotten some bad news.”
“No. I’m fine,” she lied, smoothing her expression into a half smile. “With a family as large as mine, there’s always drama.”
“You have to tell me all about it,” Julie insisted. “I’m an only child and I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have a big family.”
Glad for the distraction, Bella began regaling Julie with stories of her family in Iowa, while in the back of her mind she replayed Victoria’s message over and over. Would Blake’s ex-wife follow through on her threat?
Now that Bella realized having Drew in her life was as necessary as breathing, would Blake find out the truth and hate her for abandoning her son? He’d been so angry at her decision when she’d only been Drew’s surrogate. How betrayed would he feel if he knew that Bella was Drew’s biological mother?
Of course, that bombshell would have devastating repercussions for Victoria, as well. Blake’s ex-wife had to know that he would be unlikely to forgive her deception. But would she realize that in time to stop all their lives from being ruined?
Blake stood in the hallway outside his son’s nursery and listened to Bella rambling in a soothing tone to Drew. Her words weren’t exceptional, just a list of all the things they would do the following day if he would just settle down and go to sleep, but something about the quality of her voice captured his attention.
She sounded sad.
Who was to blame? Blake ran the day through his mind. Their conversation on the ride to the winery had been serious, but he’d stayed away from anything that would upset her. Bella had enjoyed meeting Julie and Sam. They’d all laughed a great deal at lunch as Bella regaled them with tales of her family.
She was a natural storyteller, blending drama and comedy to keep them completely engaged. Was this what she did for her students? No wonder they’d all given her such fierce hugs goodbye.
The day he’d stopped by her school, he’d sat in the car for a long time watching her. For nine long months, she’d been on his mind. He’d gone through an entire emotional range after she’d walked out of Drew’s life. When he’d found out the truth about Bella being Drew’s biological mother, the elusive piece of the puzzle had fallen into place: he’d understood why Vicky had lacked any maternal instinct toward Drew. But until today, Bella’s behavior had been less clear. The question that had plagued him all his life had one answer.
Why did a mother abandon her child?
In Bella’s case it was because she’d sacrificed her own happiness to give Drew two parents who adored him. Or so she’d been led to believe.
“Elephant shoes.”
Despite their being spoken softly, the words reached Blake’s ear. His heart thumped hard. If he’d had any lingering doubts about Bella’s true feelings for her son, they were completely eradicated. She loved Drew.
Blake entered the room and spoke softly. “How’s he doing?”
“He’s finally asleep.” She smiled as Blake joined her at the crib. “It was touch and go for the last fifteen minutes, but I think exhaustion finally won out.”
“That’s fast work. Usually when he’s fighting sleep it takes me an hour to get him down.”
Her left shoulder rose and fell. “I’ve had a lot more practice with stubborn children than you have. My brother Scott was the worst. He used to stand in his crib and cry for hours. Ever try getting your homework done while a kid is screaming at the top of his lungs?”
“As an only child, I never had that problem.”
Bella sighed. “It would have been wonderful to grow up an only child.”
“It would have been nice to grow up with a houseful of siblings.”
“I guess everyone wants what they don’t have,” Bella said.
“That’s not always true.” Blake slid his arms around her waist and pulled her snug against his body. “Some of us appreciate the things we do have.”